Hi again,
a couple of moths ago, i was doing some sketches and was thinking about some ideas I have in my mind. when I see my drawing i think maybe could work but when i experiment some times later it was pretty much a fail. now i was thinking what i am missing and what is wrong and since I lack qualification for optical systems I am sharing it here hoping some of the knowledge member around here could help me finding why it can not be done.
I think that part of the fail is the visualization of light as a straight ray or as a simple line and not as a waive( what actually it is) ?
so here is my drawing and schematics, and pardon me for the poor quality, to lazy to make an new one from scratch:
my idea back than was to make the ultimate thrower and to achieve this i was trying to make something that was able to capture all the light emitted from the source and after capture, compress it in one small area (till this part I know it can be done its relatively easy as u see in the picture) and after compress the ray of light continue in parallel so like some sort of white laser. well after some experiments with lens it looks like it is impossible to comperes and achieve parallel light in the same time. what I am missing here?
reflector, lens 1. and 2. just work ok, what is failing is at diverging lens 3. at leas that it what i see in my experiments.