Can anyone tell us where to buy genuine (quality) 18650 batteries? I post this here instead of the battery section because I don’t care about price, test results, or comparisons, just where to get “real” units.
Having “lurked” on this site for years, I have found it to be invaluable for it’s research into different flashlight options, but I now find that the quality of flashlights offered is being overtaken due to junk counterfeit batteries!
This has probably been a problem for some time, but the power of current flashlight offerings is really starting to show how bad the counterfeit battery problem has become!
As a side example of what I’m referring to, a couple of years ago, SanDisk memory did an extensive test and discovered that 92% ——- YES 92%! of internet sales of SanDisk micro SD cards were forgeries! I’m guessing that forged name brand/quality batteries is at least as high (probably higher).
SanDisk then required their authorized/legitimate dealers to clearly state “Authorized SanDisk dealer”. This was done so that buyers could have a reasonable expectation of getting a legit item, and so that counterfeiters could be prosecuted under international law if they claimed to be legit! —- And so that those that don’t claim it are basically admitting they are counterfeiters! —- As a side note, China very seldom prosecutes forgers, To this day Microsoft sells MS Office for about $30.00 in China (as opposed to about $500.00 in the U.S./Europe), because they have to compete with the forgeries/copies, or sell ZERO units!
My old Panasonic batteries I bought in Japan 10 years ago, that have been charged COUNTLESS times, outperform the dozens of recent internet battery purchases I have made. I am left to question if a legit 30Q Samsung even exists? Others also. It’s not only frustrating, but will hold back the natural development of more powerful flashlights as LED technology progresses!
My question is…. Can anyone list legitimate battery sellers? In my opinion, this is a far more important question today than what flashlight, reviews, or best deals!
Thank you for reading my rant, and I hope it spurs everyone to hold the manufacturers, and resellers accountable! Else “junk” batteries will certainly eliminate progress in the flashlight world.