A good deal from Ric of cnqualitygoods

Thanks for sharing!

I'll take the Cyan NW + 2 cells.

PM in a minute..

PM sent list update

Thanks! Paypal sent.

Another nice deal from Ric, thanks.
I’ll take one Cyan color CW.

nice, a true budget flashaholic light :slight_smile:

one cyan ww please! (cyan is the grey-blue, right…?)

do these have screw in pills? if so, could you ask Ric if he could add spare pill holders?

here is another thread with some valuable info on this light

Checking PM from phone… I am not at home right know

Had I not just bought the Convoy S6, I would probably hop on this. I wonder how it compares? It sure looks nice.

Yes, cyan is grey/blue nice BTW

I am not sure, let me ask him…

Guys, so hard to make it right from the street with my phone, I will respond all the PM when get home in a couples of hours…

At home already, waiting for lightguy and tolight PM to send the info and coupon codes…


that gray/blue one is very unique… i like that a lot
thanks for working out a good deal for the group

I would like to buy a cyan (blue/grey) one with the WW (= Tint 7C) LED.
Thanks! :smiley:

Info Sent…

Thank you very much, Ric should already have the money! :wink:

I’m thinking about that one too. 7c’s are great.
Might just get a [second] 7c Roche F12… hmmm

No more left in Cyan color, one is reserved to islisis what is waiting for some info before pay for it…

That is fine, I think I’m gonna pass on this one. Appreciate you and Ric offering the deal though. :beer:

I will try more good deals from Ric and others… :party: