Anyone own this light? It looks quite appealing to me. Also it seems like a P60 drop in light?
trustfire TR-B1
Reminds me of a 502A if they made one.
it is a p60, and interesting... think they should drop a few bucks off it so i can add it to my shorty p60 collection
I dont know, just got a 502b from tmart, man this thing was of shoddy quality, paper thin metal, boogered threads, and to top it off the there was a huge run on the insise of the reflector. My last purchase was a tangsfire c8 and its a really good light, cant compare the two. I know its a crap shoot, I parted out the 502. Parts is parts, I needed parts.
i got a 502b from dino direct, and to be honest for the price i paid and the xml dropin that was in it at the time.. i was not disappointed. its a game we play. pay little, expect little
i still got it. it is orange now, and has no drop in... but the material is fairly thick, and still threads good without much slop anywhere.
9.85 at wb with a t6
I would be interested in what parts can lego with this light Seems longer versions tr-b2, tr-b3 were also released
well, looks like the head end is one piece unlike the 502b, which means maybe solarforce heads will fit. tail end is male threaded, so again solarforce parts may fit...
thats a big plus compared to the female threaded tail end and straight tube design of the 502b...
im in this 18350 p60 host mood lately, so will probably end up with this soon... thanks for pointing it out
would also like to point out the hideous bezel GodFire. a bit on the pricey side, but loose the hideous bezel and its got a cool looking head
Those fins increase cooling by 64% LOL, pretty cool looking light to me but not for $26 and with an XR-E.
emitter dont matter to me at all. yeah, the $26 price tag has kept me from buying it, but if i find it under $20, i will hop on it. i like the head and style of the 18350/16340 tube. if i knew for a fact it would lego with solarforce parts, i would probably buy it at the linked price... but my solarforce, farka f8v5, and spiderfire x-07 all do not lego...
i just tried... and the head, tailcap, bezel... nothing will lego between the three of them
i might have a use for that one too! don’t know how low that price will come down though…
Head crusher
Attack bezel on a CR123A! Good defense against cats and small dogs.