A greeting to everyone. -pictures of my flashlight and EDC presented

hi ,I am a crazy flashlight fan.
I work at a flashlight dealer, more info about me at

my pictures

Nice “equipment” :smiley: Welcome to BLF! :wink:

Welcome to the forum. Keep your light close and your knife closer.

Is that IMCO Triplex?

You have good taste, Sir :wink:

I want to edc a slingshot! Wait my wife already thinks I’m nuts….

Welcome to BLF!

Dude, that M9 is a pricey piece-o-hardware . . . more than my old Passat was at auction I bet.


Welcome to BLF! You'll love being here!

I actually started doubting my flashaholism since I had trouble to notice the flashlight in the first photo. Oh man.. That Leica M9 is awesome. I wish I had all that extra money to buy one.. Maybe some day.

Thank you all of you!!

Welcome to your new home ......... :beer:
