A hello from a new member

Hello All,

I joined up to register my interest in the LT1S Prop group buy thread.

For a long time I was perfectly happy with a couple of Maglites and various cheap lights picked up who knows where over the years. Then, in around October last year, I decided to give each of my kids a keychain light for Christmas as their “useful present”. While researching that, I stumbled across this forum and r/flashlight. Oops.

A few months later I’m somewhat enlightened and suddenly the owner of a various Lumintops, Wurkkos, hanklights, FireflyLites and an LT1 lantern, with three more lights on their way. Turns out this is a fascinating hobby and even by restricting myself to Anduril 2 lights, there are plenty of different things to try out. My wife shakes her head, but I find it all quite fascinating.

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I hope you have fun here, dognodding!

1 Thank

Welcome on BLF, have a good one !

Personal, i don’t like this “r/thing”… ! I was follow it for a while for a deferred category and i didn’t really like it ! Just my opinion !

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Hello @dognodding welcome to BLF. Looks you got the bug. Or the bug got you.

You’ll find the nicest people over here, always willing to guide your further into the rabbit hole (just kidding). Personally I’m not fond of the divide-and-conquer people roaming “r/thing”.

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Thanks for the welcome @raccoon @TARTARA and @Henk4U2!
Re. Reddit. I posted a couple of times over there and the reaction was pretty friendly. Things seem to be quite short-lived though and a lot of ‘look what I got’. Sort of fun, but this place seems a bit more grounded and sober.

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Welcome to the forum.

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Welcome to BLF!


lol…no kidding. It only gets better-and-worse from here. :slight_smile:

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welcome, you will love here

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@dognodding Welcome! I can vouch that the rabbit hole is deep! Consider yourself warned! Lol

My 27 Anduril lights are proof that even with limitations the temptations are broad and plentiful!

Good Luck!


Hello! I only really have one question. How did you get your name?

Oops indeed. You’ve picked up a terminal illness, I’m afraid. There is no cure for liking shiny things.

It looks like you’ve already discovered that a lot of people here have a strong distaste for reddit. I think that’s unfortunate, because while it certainly is different, it’s not bad.

Reddit is optimized for a large number of short-lived posts, each one typically lasting about a day. This works well for some things, like quick questions and sharing pictures and jokes and random stuff.

BLF is built more for a smaller number of long-lived threads, often spanning months or years. It’s not as good at the quick stuff reddit does, but it’s much much better at things like development discussions and projects and more detailed communication.

Both are good, but they serve different needs.

Oh, er, if you spend much time on reddit though, I’d recommend installing a browser extension called Reddit Pro Tools. It grabs additional info in the background, and adds various notes to each page with helpful info. Like “this user was created only 8 hours ago” or “this user has a really high karma ratio in the current group” or “this user appears to be a troll”. It can be handy to know that sort of thing, since there are far too many people to keep track of manually.

I’m mostly on BLF though, because it fits my interests better.

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Hey there @dognodding , a warm welcome to BLF!

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There i no problem man, simply i don’t like the r/thing, and especially i don’t like the re-posts and link from there… !
If i was like it… i will be there… but im not… !
Simple as that !

No real reason. I always liked those nodding dogs in the back windows of cars when I was a kid in the 80s. On some internet site or other I wanted to use the username “noddingdog” but it was already taken, so I swapped it around. I quite like it and it stuck for use as an identity in some corners of the internet. As I use it for reddit and posted a couple of flashlight-related things there, I’ve carried it over here.

Indeed, but each to their own. Reddit is a bit of a “forum for amateurs and short attention spans”, but I like it for some things (and less for others). I prefer a “classic” forum for topics of real interest. That in itself probably timestamps me in one of the older generations of internet user. Ask my kids and they’d also say I’m an old fogey for still sending emails :slight_smile:

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…as I am learning :smiley:

I was astonished (and delighted) that even torches/flashlights run on open source software these days. After discovering that, there was no escaping the rabbit hole.

And I even have the honour of a welcome from the majestic ToyKeeper in this thread. The rabbit hole now has a lid on it and I’ll never escape.

1 Thank

Welcome to BLF!