OK, the other day I was taking a look at tool things in our spanish Walmart :bigsmile: aka Carrefour :bigsmile:
So, I found a knife. I was looking at it for about a minute :love: Damn, I only own a few knives, love them but almost don't use them. Why? Well, a normal cutter fits all my needs :) But that knife... really caught my attention. It was a dark blue, folding knife for about 8 Euros, SRM/Enlan, etc. style, very cool looking. So, now I want one :bigsmile: Don't need it, but I want one, really :bigsmile:
I'm a noob in this, but I don't need the best knife ever. Only a few things:
- 16-18 cm opened (i.e. EDC size)
- clip
- price: about 10-12 bucks (I don't mind to spent a little bit more if there's such a need)
- and the most important - the blade. I really want a good, sharp blade.
Just to mention - I have an old, multi-tool, German SS blade knife. Damn, I've never sharpen it and it still cut like new. Awesome.
Here's an example of what knife I want:
What do you think? Other suggestions? Want one, good knife and don't know if I can trust in all SRM, Enlan knives. Looks like the best place to buy one is Exduct, but MF have some SRM too, and I have MF points for $3. (or I will probably buy that one I've seen in my local store. 8 Euros = $10.4 right now, so still in a budget side IMO)
Anyway, any help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated :) Thanks in advance.