I had a package from GB disappear. Nothing special, I asked them to re-send, they agreed.
Then there was silence. No tracking info, no confirmation of actually re-sending it.
I forgot about it and 2 months later brought the topic back. The CS person has told me that my package was in flight for 2 months already.
I was even given a tracking number. Good!
But the tracking number didn’t work. I tried it with 17track. I tried it with GearBest-recommended tracking site. I tried it with my post. Noone knows about it.
I was asked to check with my local post office by giving them the tracking number. I did so, you can guess the result. Back to GB.
They told me:
that I won’t be able to use free shipping ever again
and that they can re-send if I pay 50% of the item price or make a partial refund
If they really re-sent it - I understand that they would be unwilling to do it again. I would consider their offer fair.
But I doubt they did. Because why would the tracking number not work?
How should I proceed?
I paid with PP and I can start a dispute. I have about 2 weeks left for that. I’m not sure it’s the best way. Partially because I won my first PP dispute recently and was awarded more money than I deserved - I requested a partial refund, the other party never answered to my complaint, I got back the whole sum. I don’t feel well about it.
Just dispute, it’s their responsibility you get the items you paid for, in the quality that was described. If that doesn’t happen, you should get your money back.
It sounds like your relationship with GB is already burned. Stuff from China is usually only a good deal if you get free shipping. You may as well PP dispute it, because I doubt you’ll be using GB much more in the future.
I’d try other tracking sites too I’ve seen one not work and another did .
I know it’s easy to always blame them and it’s somewhat normal …But I had a neighbor deliver a package that he said was in the gutter for days in front of his house . Seems the USPS make mistakes too .
I once had DHL or Fedex (wouldda remembered a big Hershey-brown UPS truck, and wasn’t them) deliver a package to me… that was addressed to the house way up the block, different house number by 10! Was late, so kept it in the house ’til the next day, and the guy was used to his stuff being delivered to the house on the corner (same house number, but different street). :person_facepalming:
Point being, $#!+ happens, but your tracking number should’ve been good… and trackable. Dunno what the issue was, whether it just kept coming up as not in the system, existing but showing weird data, or what, but dunno what to say about that.
I wouldn’t feel guilty about the other PP dispute. If the guy didn’t answer the complaint, hey, you won by default.
So yeah, try the GB rep right here, see where it goes. I had 4 packages disappear, courtesy of AzPost, and thankfully the 2 priciest ones eventually arrived, but the 2 cheapies never showed, and GB sent replacements.
I got a reply from Gearbest’s Gina.
She offered me a resolution that I’m comfortable with.
I’m worried about losing free shipping, but I think there will still be cases when GB is simply the best place to buy stuff, so I intend to continue using them.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread and thanks to Gearbest representatives for helping out.
I actually tried 3 places. And tried to find the post responsible for assigning the number. No success.