A sad day in history for all Eneloop fans... April 26 2013.......Eneloop gets a make-over

It looks like Eneloop (japan) decided to change their wrappers of their eneloops..

A REAL shame!
I liked the very simple, but cool looking ENELOOP letters on the side, now they changed it to PANASONIC eneloop...


It looks like they upgraded the D and C cells, but they still look like they didnt improve on mAh.. pity

Who else thinks this is SAD?

I do

By the way… its starting from April 26

Get the special editions, while you can… soon they will be impossible to find!

I don’t like it; the eneloop logo was friendlier. Plus, how cute is this?

I wondered why Eneloop was on the Panasonic site. Now we know.

i bet fishinfool is getting these "new" ones ..

.. only because

they are new.

that is

with new wrapper.


Panasonic buys Sanyo…
Sanyo name being phased out….(televisions too?)

The only thing constant is change….From Lives of the Philosophers by Diogenes Laertius

Changing the name on the wrapper….maybe not the best decision. Maybe some legality involved.

Is this why it is so hard to find Panasonic EVOLTAs?

I prefer the “eneloop” branding as well. It was unique.

At least they didn’t rebrand them as Trustfire’s. :wink:


I don’t really give a crap what they’re labeled, once they’re in something I can’t see the label anyway, all I care is about performance.

They could have rebranded them “PanFire”


This just makes it that much easier for me to use Imedion cells from Maha. Same tech, higher capacities. Thomas Distributing has good prices on em and sells a bundle of 16 AA’s. Might actually be time for another bundle and move some of my older cells to the kids toys.

Im waithing for the chinese copy:
SonicFire - PanaLoops



Will I be buying these panasonics? Yes.
Do I like their new looks? No

It’s like changing the names on Porsche cars, and replace it with a big VW sign on it, and a few small letters Porsche. Perform the same? Probably
Does it look good? No

They have bought Sanyo a long time ago!
And have kept in unchanged for the whole time.

Panasonic Evolta are widely available here, so now the eneloops will be less distinguishable. They still do though. But I just want to complain about this change!

WHO CARES!!! Unless you display your batteries for others to see or spend time looking at them out of a device, and if you do you have much larger problems, it doesn’t make one damn bit of difference.

It is NOT at all like putting a VW sign on a Porsche because that’s an exterior people are meant to see everyday, batteries are meant to go in something and not be thought about or looked at again until they have to be changed.

the marketing tlick goes like this:

after 3 years, in 2016, they're gonna revert the branding and change the wrapper again to big letter Eneloop and subtitle powered by Panasonic. by that time, ALL B**DD* consumers will be aware of Eneloops = Product made by Panasonic. because nowadays, people still think/say "Sanyo Eneloop" in one go. The company wants the consumers to say/think "Panasonic Eneloop" from now on and in distant future and erase the name Sanyo from their minds, permanently. To enforce this thinking, the cells look this way. And when the name Sanyo is cleared from the mind of the retail consumers, the Sanyo-Panasonic company will revert the wrapper style back to old gangnam: people see big letter Eneloop and they will instantly think "ah new wrappers! for my beloved PANASONIC ENELOOPS".

yeah the kreisl has got it all figured out harhah

They even changed the numbers of cycles on the Lites to 5.000
And and on the original to 2100!
That is Panasonic!
Eneloop didn’t make those big jumps in the past, and was quite timid in putting new labels on them. I really think they aren’t any different, just hyped up by Panasonic! Not a good change!

I bet the C and D are still the 1st gen, because it still clearly shows 1000cycles, but changed it to 70% remaining capacity after 5 years!

Obviously you don’t!!!
It’s because you are no real “eneloop fan”.
No hard feelings though.

In fact, many people do!