
Best offer buy have cancelled three or four eBay bids of mine a day before they end, I suspect they did not want to sell at the price I was winning at and got upset no one else bid. Definitely a company to avoid.

Would you friggin well believe it, this last place I tried for a jacob, (colorapple) has just emailed me to say they are out of stock and refunded me.
What the hell have I got to do to get an A60??.

I went to order from colorapples a couple of days ago only to discover that there was no “add to cart” button in the listing, so I figured you must have bought the last one. Guess not.

All of this nonsense made me think that the A60 might be disappearing for good, and I really want one, so DX it is.

Ordered it a few days ago drom Deal Exttreme (DX.com)

Hope you have better luck than I did with DX Cainn, I bought a $50 torch off them, it arrived DOA, they ignored every email I sent them, it took Paypal to make them refund the money.

I’m not too concerned about such things in this case as I’m planning to mod the A60 anyway. As long as it’s physically intact, I’ll be happy enough.

Besides, I’ve had no negative experiences with DX so far. Really pisses me off that you can’t change many of your own account details though, such as your email address and nick name. It’s retarded.

Just a heads up. I ordered 3 of these on 09 Sep. from DX.com As history shows that the prudent buyer only has 1 or 2 items per order i ordered them seperately. On 11 Sep I have all 3 items shipped form them. So apparently they have them in stock. Just FYI. :-)

I ordered my Jacob A60 from DX about 3 weeks ago and they shipped it out 3 days after I placed my order and I received it early this week.

Looks like I’ll have to eat my words and try DX again!!

Don’t worry megabeam. DX still pay the price for their often sub-par customer service, and a last resort purchase from you wont change the fact that they’ll have to lift their game across the board to win back many of the regular customers they once had.

Just pulled the trigger, lol, just hope they don’t about this time, at least my money is safe with paypal.

My A60 has now shipped. Lookin’ good DX :slight_smile:


Six? Wow. Must be an interesting story behind that.

if it’s a)., very reasonable in relative cost to other similarly constructed quality-level items, b)., it’s clearly very close to equal or superior in outright performance on at least several levels relative to other items costing significantly more, and, c)., when it appears that the item is now being sold by only one vendor which tells me it’s likely to be discontinued soon, or replaced by an inferior quality substitute, or it’s going to be discontinued and unavailable from anywhere period. IOW, I’d rather have it now and not be rueing the opportunity missed. I don’t mind having a spare or two either in case the one I use the most goes south.

I also buy extra quantities when I can see the day when a friend, family, nice neighbor etc., would like to have one just like it and I either gift it or sell it at cost. And last but not least because it’s one of those essential things I can see being barterable if a major S ever hits a major Fan.

I figure any light that can reliably throw like this for about $15 and at the same time not melt in my hand is quite frankly one hell of a deal not to be passed up.

As far as answers go, that’s pretty damned reasonable :slight_smile:

@ Lumatic

That's very well put, Sir.

They seem keen to sell what they don’t have. I tried ordering the A60 in April and about a week after I ordered it I got the same e-mail quoted earlier in this thread telling me that it was out of stock and asked if I wanted a refund or some other crappy-similarly-priced-light.

I wonder if anyone actually managed to buy and get the A60 from BOB?

Does anyone know if the A60 is still being manufactured??

Yes at DX. Just ordered two and last sunday and they shipped them wednesday.
Posted on iphone