I got my AA DQG NW XP-G2 light today, haven’t seen a thread about it yet on here so I thought I would make one.
This light is awesome :bigsmile:
The tint is beautiful, the modes are perfect, very nice floody hotspot, smooth threads.
The majority of my recent purchases have been disappointing, this is the first time in a long time that something has surpassed my expectations and is even better than I hoped for.
I’m not going to do a review on it, but I wanted to share my thoughts with others incase they are debating to buy it or not.
I’m very pleased with my purchase, its money well spent.
Thanks Ezarc, I have been considering one of these after I have had so much satisfaction out of the 18650 Tiny III I purchased a few months ago. If you do have time, some fresh AA alkaline beamshots would be welcome. Perhaps next to something else AA you have, like a mini maglite or whatever.