AA light with a big head


Anyone know a single AA light that has a big head like the Romisen RC-G2?

Kronos X5

That only runs on 14500 I believe

Manker T01.

Manker T01

These guys are right, the X5 needs a lithium-ion cell.
The Manker T01 works with regular 1.2-1.5v AA:

Currently sold out at Banggood — called GODMES T01
Currently sold out at Gearbest — called Manker Quinlan T01
and I don’t see it listed at Manker: http://www.mankerlight.com/

Plus it uses the same reflector as the X5 so beam profile should be identical. With an Eneloop both my T01 make 500 lumens and with 14500 at least 800 lumens IIRC.

Manker T01 II

Ah, thank you.

If I understand that, the T01 would not accept a protected cell, and the T01-II does accept a protected cell.

I’m guessing that means these don’t have low voltage protection in the driver, so the protected cell would be a very good idea.
Anyone know?

T01 Black
T01 Silver

Anything around $20?

I use protected xtars in my T01. Keeppowers are too long though.

Man, I really wish Romise made a 2 mode G2. It’s great for the price. Especially upgraded version from shiningbeam.

I’m guessing these don’t have low voltage protection in the driver, so the protected cell would be a very good idea.
Anyone know for sure, or have had one drain a cell dead?