AAA Cockroach Light

Hello all. I’m branching out in my flashaholicism and am looking at options for a aaa cockroach light. So far I’ve read about/looked at the Fenix E01, Sofirn C01, and the Sofirn C01S though the C01S has multiple modes and no 5mm bulb like a traditional cockroach light. Do any of you have a light you would recommend either from what I’ve found or some other model? Thanks.

Is that a light that won’t cause them to scurry when you turn them on?

I only have the Sofirn CO1 and only used it lightly thus far. I would say the choices really only you can decide on between the C01 and E01 are

E01 has more output, hence shorter battery life
one user reported 26.5 hours for the E01, but I don’t know what his criteria was. The C01 was listed at 33 hours

posted C01 output versus runtime in this post is:
Runtime with full AAA alkaline cell:

low (3200K 6 lumens / 5600K 8 lumens): 20 hours (battery voltage > 1.0 Volt)
moonlight low (<1 lumen): 13+ hours (battery voltage < 1.0 Volt )
desired output setting can be selected by switching between full or empty battery
runtime depends on temperature; lower temperature means lower runtime

If you like hi CRI, and want a light that is currently (maybe only sometimes? I have not checked lately) in production, then the C01S is likely it. I can’t fine the C01 available at a retailer, but they are available on ebay. So is the out of production E01, albeit for a few more $. I don’t have a C01S, it seems like having the option for high could be nice, but having 2 modes makes it not a cockroach light IMO.

Hope this helps

The cockroaches. Or the light. Haha

Well thanks for the suggestions. I ended up ordering the C01S since the C01 is so elusive/expensive nowadays.

What is a cockroach light?

A light that can withstand even a nuclear attack.

You can’t get much smaller in a AAA light than a Thrunite Ti3 or a Nitefox K3. But, those should be covered in the AAA forum linked to above.

Personally I understood a cockroach flashlight as something that will work, no matter what happens.
Fenix E01 is a great example.

Preferred design patterns (in my view):

- User-replaceable battery

- Long runtime

- Highly reliable

- Simple design (less is more elegance)

- Graceful degradation (e.g. no sudden death, battery vampire)

  • Foolproof user interface (e.g. no high mode that can drain the battery in 30 minutes)

Bonus points for:

- Modular design (think mixing parts of SureFire / SolarForce P60 system; or mixing Fenix E01 and Sofirn C01/C01S tubes and heads)

- End-user repairable

  • Running on safe, robust and long-life rechargeable cell chemistry (LSD NiMH or LiFePO4)

If you are willing to broaden your cell size and chemistry beyond AAA, there are some other interesting options.

Personally I like the 9V Pak-Lite (warm white version, or modded with Yuji 5mm LEDs).
Back to the future of flashlight history, and still being produced :wink:
Extremely simple and reliable design: only components are 2 LED’s, a switch, and two resistors.
Runs great on depleted 9V batteries from smoke alarms.

Perhaps the ultimate bomb-proof light is a driverless CR2016 or CR2032 coin-cell light with a 5-mm LED; either fauxton or Photon.
Or an old-school xenon-bulb P60 light.

likely too late, but this comment in another thread paying a couple$ for the C01 is maybe worth it? You would have to contact that user to determine the reasons for the opinion.

Ill keep my eyes peeled for a C01 somewhere (the ones on ebay dried up overnight!) though hopefully Sofirn will consider making more in the future. :money_mouth_face:

Those pak-lites look pretty interesting! Might be a better option for a cockroach light… will research.

One that is very fast breeding, even under adverse conditions.

And keeps working when you take the head off.

Klarus Mi02

When did Elzetta start making AAA lights?

I can’t help but think there’s a “Highlander” joke dying to be made here.