Accidental Activation a Big Problem--Got Burned Yesterday!

imo, the Anduril default 45C thermal regulation, is not skin safe, and will not prevent burned pockets. There are numerous reports of burned pockets with Anduril lights… clearly the thermal regulation is not protective of people pockets.

I would lower the regulation temperature to minimum, 35C.

a Hot rod with a proximity sensor, as in the BOSS, will work much better to prevent burned pockets, than relying on Anduril thermal regulation.

Anduril is actually an excellent Fire Starter:

JKK= Just Kidding Kids

NarsilM 45 C in my D4 doesn’t get very hot. Might just be my unit. I wouldn’t want it coming on anyway and wasting the battery and it doesn’t. I’m not a fan of lock outs either. When I’m out by the fire pit and a 400 lb bruin ambles up to the bird feeder (happened) 20 feet away, I don’t want to be counting clicks or turning caps.

Looks like 2 hands needed…I don’t see how that’s tactical or much different than needing to tighten tail cap and hit button

This light (which has working thermal step-down)…
My points all stand; no one locks out a light between each and every single use and we should not encourage lights to be built that are massively prone to accidental activation.

And no, I don’t support thermal stepdowns at all. If you build a light at a current it can handle (or else assume the risk of injury when run at full power), then no problem. I wasn’t badly burnt, and not embarassed. It just shouldn’t have happened.

just tried that with kr4, identical results

I’m not saying that Anduril has good thermal controls. It’s better than nothing, for sure. But, there have been bugs in the past where it has not worked at all. For good thermal controls, which won’t burn you, go with something like Zebralight. Actually, their buttons are recessed enough that you won’t accidentally turn it on, but thermal is a good backup.

The D4 might be a pocket burner. Get the raised switch retaining ring option.

The FW3A… well, just don’t pocket it.

Crap lights without any thermal controls (or only doing timed step-downs), definitely don’t pocket carry if they put out a lot of lumens.

2 hands Not Needed for the RRT-01, it works with one hand.
here is how to turn a 2019 RRT-01 on and off
(there is no tail switch, just the dial)

clipped to a back pocket, I can draw, fire, and reholster, very very fast :wink:
my grip naturally puts the control ring in my fingers during presentation.

The motion is a single action, consistently repeatable, totally controllable, never a surprise output, always ramps the same, and no Accidental Disharges.

Also no need to be trained in multi click codes. The UI is so intuitive, even a child can figure it out, without a manual, and without instruction.


I agree
that JKK21700 is a cheap light, not even anduril

to get turbo requires a double click… so your pocket activation was a multi click…
pathetic …

treat yourself to a better light :wink:
let us know your impressions

Still looks like too much dexterity needed for high stress jingo jango

My lights go jingo jango jingo.

You made mistakes, and now you want “bans” and laws to punish me? How about, no.

I explained what I meant in several posts now.

Or a bear trap.

You later described boycotts, but you called for bans, and you haven’t changed it. As long as your message says you want them banned, you can’t complain about people calling you out for what you actually said.

I can go back and change it, I suppose, but generally accepted industry practices also serve as a type of ban, I reckon. Anywho, I explained it.

Notice the UI here and how it makes accidental activation almost altogether out of the question…

It seems part of the problem here is that it was a cheap light, possibly no thermal controls at all. Well… I suppose that’s what you get for not getting something with at least a bit of safety when it comes to heat.

So, while a ban is ridiculous, I can certainly see how naive users may buy something that is clearly not suited for their use (i.e., pocket carry). Most decent flashlight makers, even budget ones, include warning about heat. They should also mention how thermal controls work, though it’s like that is not made very clear.

I mechanically lock out my tail cap and or head. I do this all the time and it has not hindered the enjoyment I get from using any of my lights. This is subjective opinion and really not worth discussing.

What is not subjective however and for whatever reason being completely overlooked is this… An outright ban on side switches by itself will not prevent accidental turn-on. Tail switches have been and continue to be accidentally activated just as easily.

if it was a car accident and insurance investigators were assigning fault, one very valid question would pop up, what have you done to prevent it from happening? where you aware that pressing the button would turn it on? were you aware that is gets hot when in use? were you aware that it could be accidentally turned on inside your pocket? have you taken proper precautions to avoid it?

So, this is the light in question. link
I am surprised given your high post count that you would buy such a light as an edc for your pocket in a suit jacket (presume that’s what it was if in a meeting) given the vast range of branded higher quality, similar priced lights.
Doesn’t strike me as a particularly good choice of ‘pocket’ light. But that is personal choice. :slight_smile:
Surely there is something more suitable for a jacket pocket, like an s2/+ maybe? Just a suggestion.

Thats a nice light… and it has tailcap mechanical lock out too. As long as the O-ring seal is tight and prevents it from free-spinning I would not hesitate to coat pocket or pack carry this light. Its a little too big to use as an EDC though (IMHO).