ACEBEAM K75 LED Searchlight Throw 2500meters 6300lumens Output Released

Aaaa, photos from Nokia 6600 :smiling_imp:

I bought mine from Andrew & Amanda. Tested with Texas Ace Lumen Tube calibrated with Maukka lights and a Sekonic Spectromaster C-800-U. Lumen measurements taken at 2 seconds from turn-on.

Acebeam K75 Power Mode Turbo 4,310 lumens 6809K -0.0047 DUV 69.9 CRI -9.9 R9 44.4 R12 63 Rf 97 Rg
Acebeam K75 Power M4 1,538 lumens 5755K 0.0034 DUV 66.9 CRI
Acebeam K75 Power M3 778 lumens 5480K 0.0074 DUV 66.7 CRI
Acebeam K75 Power M2 247 lumens 5098K 0.0131 DUV 66.1 CRI
Acebeam K75 Power M1 128 lumens 4981K 0.0151 DUV 66.3 CRI
Acebeam K75 Eco Max 1,820 lumens

The turbo mode with a -0.0047 DUV looks beautiful pure white. The lower modes with positive DUV has a greenish tint.

lumens seems rather low vs advertised ?

VOB measured 4658 lumens.

Now that several members here have modded with the same LED and estimated the output, 6300 lumens seems like a big exaggeration. Is acebeam usually this off?

Acebeam lumens are usually overrated but not this much. This is the worst Ive seen. Though their throw ratings are usually underrated. So far only Olight, Fenix and Nitecore lumens are spot on or conservative. Even Zebralight, Jetbeam, and several other well known brands over rate their lumens

for this price its not ok to have that big difference vs what they claim. sorry but they must put up more realistic lumens otherwise its not serious to throw up a number where actual real tests shows its nowhere close…

question is, can the led even be driven to closer 6000 lumens or ?

The max for this LED seems to be around 5k lumens.

Has anyone experimented removing the cells from the carrier/tube?

I would be leary to get a light where I cannot change the battery and use standard off the shelf 21700’s.

Yes, Acebeam sells replacements carrier/tubes but for how long?