ACEBEAM M10 , XP-G3 (1XAA, 0.9-4.2 V) : review
LED/REFLECTOR: XP-G3 S5 . Reflector Orange peel (OP)
BATERÍA: 1xAA Voltage: 0.9-4.2V (NiMH, alkaline, Primary Lithium, 14500)
INTERFACE: Rear switch "reverse"
MODES: 3 Low/Medium/High
Date: November, 2016
This flashlight was provided by Acebeam for spanish review in my Blog, the link:
complete review M10 in spanish, here I add the more importat images and graphs.
I test the unit in black, but on the web acebeam we see that there will be more colors available:
Content, flashlight with clip, 2 spare Orings, Manual user and "Dry sac" (better than others Dry elements that I see in my boughts)
There is no doubt that it is one of my more compact 1xAA flashlights with rear switch, and the ones that feel better in the hand. I like to compare it in this aspect with my eagTac d25A clicky.
For the group Pics comparison I have choose the other better AA lights of this 2016; Klarus Mi7, Manker E11. Also include the eagTac D25A clicky my preferred AA with rear switch and the reliable Fenix LD12:
I like specially the grip that offers this agressive knurling. The light design allows the use of any size of my 14500 battery (please, you must use Top button batteries). The clip is compact but perhaps for some people is prefearable a strongest clip.
We can see that changing the rubber switch is very simple
XP-G3 S5 well centered in a small Orange peel reflector.
My preferred now is the Klarus Mi7, but I really miss the rear switch and this Acebeam M10 seems perfect as substitute for the guys that prefer a rear clicky interface. For this I will compare especially this 2 lights beam (M10- XP-G3 with orange peel reflector, Mi7 XP-L Hi with orange peel reflector):
animated gif
Acebeam M10 allows use of many chemical AA options, my preferred NiMH and 14500, here a comparison with other animated gif:
Another animated gif over a white wall: Acebeam M10 Vs JetBeam I MK, EagTac d25a XP-G2, and Klarus Mi7:
Sequence of animated gif to something more of distance to appreciate everything commented with something more of perspective of real use:
1. Acebeam Vs Klarus Mi7 y Vs EagTac D15a clicky XP-G2:
2. Acebeam M10 Vs Manker E11 y Vs Jetbeam I MK.
Reverse clicky, not alows momentary on. There are 3 modes, secuence for change mode: low,medium,high,low,medium...
There are memory for mode, light will turn on in last mode used.
There are 3 modes, here the comparison with specs and my estimated data for NiMH and for 14500:
Normally I use my 1xaA flashlights with NiMH batteries, I show here the comparison between the more important releases for this class of flashlights in 2016 (data estimated by me):
1. Now detailed graph of first 6 minutes of runtime with NiMH and 14500. For NiMH I not use fan, for 14500 I turn on a little fan in the minute 5, because the temperature over head surface is 55ºC. I use one data each 15 seconds for make this graph, I also insert the temperature over head surface, in Celsius degress, each minute:
2. Here complete runtime with battery Eneloop PRO 2400mA min., and 14500 klarus 800mA.
I start fan at 5 minutes with 14500 when temperature reach 55ºC, and I start fan with NiMH at minute 16, when temperature reach 55ºC.
For make this grahp I use one data per minute. When I finish runtime test I measure the voltage of batteries; for 14500 3.15V and 0.9V ofr NiMH.
I hope you like the images. Great flashlight if the price is good