Acebeam Pokelit AA Ti Torch Review

I get so excited over AA sized torches! So you can imagine how I felt when Acebeam showed me prototypes of the Pokelit AA while visiting them in May.

Acebeam teased the announcement of a new torch. I knew roughly what it would be but I didn’t know exactly what design they would choose.

When Acebeam announced the Acebeam Pokelit AA Ti, they kindly sent one for review.

Here is my review:

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Great review details, including photos, outputs, runtime, and Tint DUV details.

the TiTopo finish looks great…

the protected USB rechargeable battery is a great feature…

too bad about the lack of Regulated output that Acebeam is known for in some of their other lights…

great to hear the light can be opened to dedome the 519a, also great to hear the switch is mechanical, so zero parasitic drain, plus the light works w AA

gritty Ti threads is pretty normal, as you said… I find Nyogel 760G can help make Ti threads pretty smooth, though I have not tried it specifically on a Pokelit Ti… Gritty Ti threads is not a big deal imo, for a light that is operated by a tailswitch…

thanks for your great review

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Thanks for reading!

I have some Nitecore Silicone Grease that I might try. The threads seem ok without extra lubricant for now.

I did not expect a 519A to have a hint of green. I’ll have to dedome it. :rofl:

AA NiMH is good for that sub one lumen moonlight mode.

There doesn’t seem to be as many 14500 sized lights with regulated output as I’d hope. :frowning: Big fan of the Skilhunt m150 as a result. (Regulated output always means boost or buck driver, right?)

Ti light prices still scare me off haha. Still struggling with the decision of buying lights for actual use cases vs collecting for collecting’s sake now.

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These Acebeam Pokelits are great lights. I have the copper version and love it.

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Nice review!

it would be nice if the driver could provide a constant output like the drivers that Acebeam uses in their larger torches.

Agree with these sentiments. The acebeam h16 also has decreasing output in all modes from the reviews I’ve seen, and it’s being sold at a big discount from msrp on amazon. Not sure if those are related but I think a linear driver with some constant output might have led to h16 being highly recommended by people here.

Pokelit is a great size and design though, especially at <$20 USD for green aluminum.

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Not necessarily. I’m no expert, but Convoy is known for having “linear” drivers which exhibit some regulation and also some decreasing output with voltage. For example, described in this review of 14500 performance of the T3:

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If the user is okay with not using aa’s its simple to swap in a 17mm buck driver on the t3.

What size driver would fit into the pokelit?

It might be nice with a 5a buck driver if it works with the switch.