Acebeam W40, W50

For 3000 dollar they could have designed a new handle that is less ugly. Does this light need active cooling at all? I have no knowledge in lasers, they may need to be kept cooler than leds?

Wow dude thanks for posting that. $2,300 is too rich for my blood - max I’d go for this is like $600 - but that being said, I think it’s worth the price

Not sure it even qualifies as a Flashlight. :question: Looks more like a Laser to me. :nerd_face:
I would be afraid to shine it anywhere in fear of being sued by someone claiming to be injured by it. :open_mouth:

I just realized its up on their website. $2300 but you cant buy it. Maybe the W40 will come soon that is the consumer version.

Even though it’s pricey, it’s great to see this technology evolve. A 4 kilometer beam and a flood mode is really cool. I’m sure that other companies will offer lights like this in a few years that are much cheaper.

It is the small size that makes these LEP lights cool, the performance can (sofar) be matched by a led. I made a SBT90.2 and a 10 dollar fresnel lens into the contraption that throws 4.2 km with similar output as the W50, but it is the size of a shoebox.

Wow that sounds wicked. I actually just got a Noctigon K1 with the SBT90.2. Pretty incredible… rivals my Firefoxes FF5 HID

I have a W50, actually 2 in my house at the moment. I've just done a review on them too. Not a bad light, have a look if you like, hopefully this link works. Otherwise, look up michaels flashlight reviews on youtube, w50 review.

Did you invest in bitcoin when it was $0.01 or win the lottery?

No, no.. im just a collector..

I know the production version will perform better but I just don’t think it’s worth over $2000. I’d rather just have a device which can hold two cheaper LEPs. It would cost less and perform just as well, if not better.

Funny you should mention that.. I bolted 4 w30 lights together. It's on my youtube channel. 1800 lumens or so..

So that is what I see in the background. I was questioning whether those were stuck together or not.

Here you are