acebeam announced the X45..
13800 Lumen rated
seems to be:
4 emitters (xhp70 or xhp50?)
4x 18650
a UI like X65 due to sideswitch instead of selectorring
acebeam announced the X45..
13800 Lumen rated
seems to be:
4 emitters (xhp70 or xhp50?)
4x 18650
a UI like X65 due to sideswitch instead of selectorring
I saw it in their facebook page.
I believe these are xhp70s.
Nice puppy.
Cool find!
Looks to be quite a bit throwier than your basic soda can. I hope they will also try to differentiate from other multi XHP70 lights with factory dedomed leds and offer a NW option as well.
Looks to not be a soda can with that head. Already heads are exaggerated to be called soda cans.
i like it., just not the ui.
if im understanding correctly, you have to double click to get to turbo, and then another double click to get to turbo max. thats the ui of the x65…im thinking this will have the same ui.
imo thats a little too much. turbo should be in the mode sequence, and double click only once to get to turbo max.
shoot, if it was up to me, id have turbo max on the mode sequence as well.
I see Acebeam also has there X65 thrower using 5 XHP35 emitters with a rated output of 12,000 lumens and 1301 meters with an 8 x 18650 3400mah battery pack. 423000cd. That’s some serious sunlight in a can! I bet its got to be around 499.99.
I just submitted an order inquiry for the X65 Very curious to see what it’s capable of and cant wait to see the price.
X65: I got one of the earliest release samples, I pre-ordered before Winter set in, and I received it about eight weeks ago. It is the king of led lights, putting out more power further out there, than any other led light. Full throw with non-narrow beam, lots of power, but not all up front, instead, the power is much further out, in a well-tempered beam profile; an amazing must-see sight.
X45: Interesting. Acebeam has come out with some very interesting configurations in the past few months or so.
How quickly is it heating up and kicking the output level down? I imagine quickly with that much power. What did you pay for it, big question
I did some testing on an X65 recently.
I have read some of your other reviews and you never cease to amaze. Very in-depth and love the graphs and photo comparisons. Great review! Might have to add the X65 to the collection for just shear stupid raw power Thank you
If I just didn’t buy the TH40S and the X7 and the S70 I’d be all over that for 209!
The brighter the light and its spill beam, the more I crave neutral white… But it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen…
Quite a jump from fire fly to the first level
Oh, only 85200CD??? Little more throw please!
Slice the domes and get about 170k lux
Edit: sorry, it’s not doubled lux; it’s much less
100% more? are you sure not 50% more?
I was sure until you asked me. I thought the difference between XP-L HI and regular XP-L was 100%. Is this not the case when de-doming as well?
Edit: you’re right Hikelite, it’s indeed much less…
MAP seems to be 235 USD
This looks really cool, thanks a lot!
A pic from Acebeam’s Twitter page: