found on Facebook some "hints"
X80 GT
32500 Lumen
found on Facebook some "hints"
X80 GT
32500 Lumen
how is that thing gonna handle 32k lumens, 30sec runtime?
I guess they’re going for bragging rights, but I hope they make it more practical for everyday use by switching to neutral white emitters and a much lower ultra low mode.
I heard the original X80 gets burning hot in no time. With this, the whole head will feel like the tip of a soldering iron. Also, at this kind of lumens, I’m sure they won’t have a NW option again.
It would be capable of it with 4000K XHP50.2 emitters. If pushed to the max, this light could produce 60k lumens, but I’m not even going to dream of that at this point. No doubt it’ll get hot quickly, but that’s reasonable for a soda can light.
yea i read how the x80 barely manages the 1min claimed highest output, now they raise that with another 7000lumens…. i dont understand acebeam whats the point if the host is not bigger u are just asking for problems using that light that thing is gonna get destroyed by its own emitters lol…
yes that light seems not like its getting out anyway soon, but i dont get it they plan release that monster so whats teh point bumping the x80 ? 25k for that type of host size is more then enough already… seems acebeam is only interested in the lumens race on paper - then if the light melts after 30 seconds of heat they dont care…
yeah and 32500LM just to beat the DX80 by a drop LOL
but the dx80 can atleast run the highest lumens for 3min, this cant so idk what they do lol since they have the upcoming x70…
i sold my DX80 - too big and cant find the on button in the dark - same with all imalent products - i sold all my imalents
now got acebeam EC50 gen 3
3850 LM , 6000k
tiny monster
This is definitely an issue that I experience with mine too. During a minor emergency I literally spend 10 seconds turning the thing around and around and poking at all the different ridges and fins trying to find the totally flat button.
imalent dn70 - same issue - sold it
and that had TWO buttons i couldnt find
i prefer the imalent ‘UI’ to acebeams press and hold but not finding the buttons in the dark = useless product
Come on, guys, why pick on DX80 switch, I am sure it is really inconvenient since so many of you complained on this. But DX80 is mainly for lumens fun, not really reliable for emergency. I almost pulled trigger on it last week, but still many user complain about its hardware reliability or safety.
Anyway, this X80 GT is getting more attractive with 32500 lumens. Surprisingly Acebeam gives 5 years warranty for it.
I agree that the X80 GT was just created to beat the DX80. I wont buy it because of the upcoming x70. I definitely will purchase that light though. Even if it is $700 USD
i think so too but since since the dx80 isnt really a soda can light the purpose on gt i still wonder whats the point when they should focus on the x70, that beast atleat will be able to run more then a minute atleast on highest with 3 fans… even the imalent can run highest more then a minute, the x80 gt cant…
even the damn names are so similar, dx80, x80gt blabla…. way too confuse beginners…
At least Illumn is carrying both of these lights now, so short term concerns over the quality of these lights is mitigated by having a domestic vendor carrying these.
That’s like 80% of front switch lights for me. I never recommend them to people who may need them in a stressed situation (with a few exceptions like maglite etc).
I am thrilled to see the X80 bumped up though even if it’s only a few seconds sustainable. Acebeam is going to have to do more than jump the output to capsize Imalent though. The marketing on that DX80, slipping it into the hands of multi million subscriber Youtubers has really positioned it well in the market.
Ive seen dx80 used in some science demonstrations and non flashlight channels where there are millions of subscribers. Cant remember which ones though