Actual Astrolux EC01X Throw

The actual candela seems to be a (little :flushed:) short of the stated factory number. I think we all knew that would be the case, but the difference is rather dramatic.

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Not surprised given the reflector size :confused: Shame on Astrolux for their false advertisement :frowning:

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Well at least we now know the conversion rate.
1 Candela = 5.3 Chandela.

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Truth revealed :+1:

Thank you for the effort.

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It seems to suffer from imperfect led height too. At least mine has a clearly visible donut hole.

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Not sure if new ref design would be necessary. I’ve had Wurkkos T30s and Convoy L21B both with SBT90.2 and both had a slight donut hole. However it appears to be visible only when illuminating at close distance.

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It is quite interesting because astrolux was most of the time close with their numbers in their products and this is extreme difference. I wanted to buy this light but was waiting, now I have bought FT02S from them that has real numbers :slight_smile:

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The fact that they had prior experience with the MF05 makes it seem even more bizarre.

Maybe someone forgot to calibrate their abacus.

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No surprise here. Those numbers are absolutely impossible with those dimensions.

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I guess that’s no surprise. Those specs seem way off. The reality seems pretty close to what you would expect from any other single SBT 90.2 light.