It seems like integrated charging has been showing up on more and more lights such as the convoy BD0 series of lights. This is a great feature, but makes it hard for modding as a driver change typically means the charging feature will be sacrificed. This leaves the feeling incomplete especially when there is a hole in the body where the charging cable used to go.
I think it would be nice to get some discussion going that would help us modders advance and be able to offer our own charging circuit to compliment our beautiful drivers. I don’t know enough to complete the project on my own, but I believe some discussion will make it possible.
For now, it took the circuit from the cheap tp4056 charger board that can be found all over eBay and ali and wherever, and I transferred the components over to a new layout that could potentially fit in some of the lights discussed above. I will post my drawings here to get some discussion going. This board could be potted onto a driver in the correct position.
Topic points:
Will this circuit work as layed out above?
Will our drivers require a firmware change in order to integrate with this circuit?
Are there extra components needed to integrate?
Can reverse polarity protection be added to the circuit?(I believe there is room, but how)
How to make a board that can be adjusted to fit different lights?
As a result of the feedback on the above circuit I redesigned a board using the ME4057 charger. This IC has solid specs and includes reverse polarity protection, recharge, and overtemp protection. The new design is below. Please give me your feedback!
I would like to bring a design to oshpark but i am unsure how to do so. In fact, what you see below is as far as I have learned of the design software DipTrace. I do not know how to prepare the design for printing. I don’t know what to do with the different layers such as silk mask or even how they are edited. So I’ll be studying up on that if anyone wants to give some pointers.
Anyway, here is the new design. It is on a 17mm board but could be sanded to 16mm without trouble to the circuit.