Adding Disc mag to flat tops in a Noctigon M43 ?

Has anyone tried and had any luck using flat top 18650s with an added Disc Magnet 3/16”x1/16” in a Noctigon M43 Meteor ?

Easier and safer solution is the solder blob method .

Add a little of solder on top of each cell .

I tried but they don’t stay in place when you tighten the body to the head.

If magnet slips sideways when tightening the light, it might contact with the body resulting in a possible short circuit. Although the body is anodised, it does seem to conduct electricity. I’m not sure about the latter, but I would be very, very careful with this.
My general rule of thumb: don’t take unnecessary risks with Li-ion when in doubt.

solder a brass button on top of the cell.