Adding insult to injury

the only thing that does prevent virus infection is air tank, and full face mask, like those that firemen use, i have one, thou it is almost empty, always wanted to charge it, but never got around to do it, not that i would wear it now, but i wish i did charge it, you never know. now all dive shops are closed,

Wellp, to be fair, hasn’t like (almost?) every recent viral outbreak been traced back to a wet market there? Those’re plague-factories, yet nothing’s ever been done about them, nor will there be anything done about them.

Was trying to find a vid showing one of ’em, and how nasty/filthy they are, but can’t find it.

Oh, Hell, have at it…

Food drops on the floor/sidewalk/whatever? No prob, toss it back into the basket. Open crates also on the floor, resting on the same floor people walk on, spit on, effluvium from the “wares” spills on, again, no problem. Let them sit there, wide open. Then stack them with the same dirty bottoms of the crates resting on the “food” that’s on top of the crate below.

Ew, ew, ew. Let’s just say not many of those places would get ‘A’ ratings here.

I’ve seen the wet markets and agree that’s disgraceful. All I am saying is that human nature doesn’t accept blame and hate with kindness.

You might want to check with your local fire department.

Hey, I’m still jonesing for Choinese fewd. I’d get that almost exclusively practically every workday for lunch. I don’t blame ’em, but understand some people do.

Then again, I don’t think Italy, etc., are fans, either, but dunno if they’re feeling the hate as well.

i did, they would not do it

Gas station.

You want “air”, not concentrated O2, right?

I just heard the governor here in NJ deemed the gun stores are not a necessity and closed them down . But the liquor stores and Marihuana dispensaries are still open .

Go figure .

lol, no i need 3000psi oil free, i can get that much pressure with pcp airgun pump, but it also adds oil particles, not something you want in air tank that you use for breathing, it needs a special pump, they start at around 2k

That tank sounds heavy. Why not just breathe through a HEPA filter?

hepa filter, 0.3micron, min size particle protection, no different than n95 mask,

This source says that’s a myth, hepa filters don’t just work like a net. Collisions also trap particles, and there is a lot if material to collide with in a hepa filter.

virtually 100% of particles of what size? larger than 0.3 micron? virus is 3 times smaller.
the rest is marketing talk,

Have a read. Any size. 0.005 micron is not even a problem.

Virus survives in water droplets in the air, not as an aerosol of itself so that should be more than sufficient to block the particles.

so? the water gets absorbed by mask, virus is still there.

if it did work, why would biohazard suites have air supply and have positive pressure inside? virus is the smallest biohazard particle, germs and bacteria are larger.

Sofirn claims the masks will “isolate bacteria” and “block harmful gas”. They show a 3M dust mask product but basically tell you it will not be a 3M mask. I see a few serious problems here. And it’s not a translation issue. And this is not a N95 mask.

That’s great advice. Western cultures are not overly familiar with regular use of masks. It’s an added barrier for someone who asymptomatic and an added barrier for everyone else that chooses to wear one. Most transmissions are being attributed to contact not airborne. If masks prevent people from touching their face it can only help reduce the spread.

Yes, but it isn’t blown out over everyone and everything close by when you cough or sneeze.

They have that to prevent as many as droplets from hanging in the air and settling on the environment as possible + it’s safer to assume a pathogen is airborne than not.

The CDC does claim that a N95 mask will trap bacteria and viruses. This is with a proper fit. Read the updated section on PPE. Although this is not new. I found an old story from 2017 on “N95 day”.