I’d like to upgrade my now nine or ten year old Varapower 3D mag, as the SST-90 has faded from abuse. The LED is mounted on a nice copper slug by three screws, so it’s easy surgery.
I’m considering swapping in a XHP50.2 3v and running it with 3 Soshine D cells, ostensibly 3.6v, but probably a bit more when fully charged. I’ve read the Varapower pwm is rated for 80 amps, so no worries there, and the Soshine batteries will support high drain. But I’m concerned that running the XHP50.2 3v direct drive on 3D cells may damage the LED. I’d like to get the full benefit of the XHP, but I don’t need to squeeze out the last hundred (or even five hundred) lumens.
It’ll be fine. Soshines D cells seem to be rated for 2A discharging and since you’re combining them in series… a XHP50.2 would be severely under driven.
Basically any 3v LED will work as long as you buy it on a compatible mcpcb which is large enough to fit securely into the head of your light.
Modern 3V LEDs you’ll want to use won’t really fit on the pcb footprint of the sst-90
The aforementioned 30Ts are lithium ions capable of about 30A.
Based on this thread i thought the 3D Soshines would support over 20A discharge? Did i misunderstand?
This host pulled around 9-10A with the SST90 and crappier tenergy d cells, and more with 4C cells.
Also I see i wasn’t clear on the build. the SST90 is on a screwed down 20mm mcpcb, which i plan to trash. The XHP will be mounted on a new, compatible 20mm mcpcb.
It took me a bit of time to understand that with 2K you meant 2000 :person_facepalming:
The Varapower uses 3 NiMH cells in series, so 3x1.2V = 3.6V
A Samsung 30T is a 4.2 LiION 21700 cell. 3 of those in series are 12.6V and will certainly fry your led.
Sorry, yeah - I was referring to the fact that a 30T (lithium ion 21700 cell) direct driving a XHP50.2 3V doesn’t fry it. The comparison in question is that the 30T will certainly provide more current than your three Shoshines, so you’ll be fine.
Should work. I was reading the manufacturer’s 2A rating. At high amps, the voltage will sag. Coupled with resistances in your circuit such as wires and your springs, the real voltage might be around 3V and at lower voltages, I don’t think the XHP50.2 will consume all that many amps.
Used a variety of o-rings to shim it in. A bit of a donut hole that disappears when about 4” away from the lens. Hotspot seems a bit sharper, but still has some useful spill. Bought the TIR from mouser with the holder, but the holder didn’t work.