Ill chime in since I’ve got the HS20, HD20, H3, several H1’s, HS40, HS10, HD50…and…i think that’s all the H’s I have. That was fun
Obviously this is all super subjective, and I do have neck problems for some reason, nobody knows why it’s a mystery, so your experience might be completely different.
The HD20 is the worst. In terms of weight, comfort, everything. Actually this part isn’t subjective, the HD20 just sucks.
Ok this part is subjective. The H3 is less comfortable to wear than my HD50, even though it’s nearly half the weight, it doesn’t feel heavier…but it kinda feels heavier.
And the HD50 is heavy. It’s heavier than a c8+ with battery. It’s heavier than an m21b with battery. It’s NOT heavier than a D4Sv2 and 26650…But it’s closer than I thought lol. To be fair I have a magnet in my h3 that probably adds a few grams though.
Just because the h3 is longer. Its just more awkward to wear than something centered. And the reflector is small and way at the end, so my instinct is to wear it off-center to get the reflector closer to the middle of my head and that doesn’t help with the awkwardness. I recommend some DC fix over the lens btw.
The strap is decent but could be better, it bounces around a little on your head.
The HS20 is very comfortable, I think the most out of all of them. Good strap and all the weight is center. Good UI. The hd50 ui isn’t as good. I have mixed feelings about that one. I wish they made an hs20 21700. I was hoping that’s what this would be, but it’s not.
The hs20 gets real hot real quick as I’m sure you know though, and burns through batteries on high. So does the hd50 btw. The H3 boost is significantly more efficient, like by a huge margin. So in that way it can be the most practical in some situations. And the xhp50.3’s are very nice and still plenty bright, just not hs20 turbo bright. The ramping UI needs some work, but if you have a convoy eswitch you know the deal with that already.
Tl;dr: awkward but efficient