The sellers I texted with didn’t see which vouchers I have used. Neither select coupon nor discount coupon codes were visible. Seller coupons were visible but they have control over those.
They do, however, see the reduced prices and shipping of their own products depending on what promo is going on. Some of the promos are applied automatically (or on “eligible” items) and this can lead to pricing mistakes which may harm the sellers bottom line. It happened so many times that a purchase was too good to be true (seller didn’t pay attention and had prices too low to honor). So when a promo discount is applied automatically and the seller didn’t pay attention (or disable his products from those discounts), they can see that and may not fulfill.
So, it means that they there is no “return” of the coupon’s money to the seller, at all, am I right?
Either it is a “store” coupon or an external code/coupon, they will not receive it (I mean, the difference between the original price and the discounted price). Is that it?
I discussed this at length with a seller I had a problem with, I ordered a ton of stuff on Black Friday from him, and used a huge combination of coupons, vouchers, codes and also the paypal discount (2 $US). Needless to say, it was a lot of work/time on my end, but I saved a lot. The seller marked the item as shipped even though he was scrambling to fulfill the order. the order then auto-cancels after a few days (Aliexpress can check whether a shipping number is authentic and will cancel the ones they can verify as unshipped). I told him how many vouchers, codes and discounts I have lost and he wasn’t aware of them at all.
Loyalty programs can be funded by the issuer/AE, the seller, in combination, or personalized for customer groups (the VIP level, silver, gold, etc). There are also discount vouchers than have to be “purchased” by the customer on BG and AE through points.
Consumer loyalty and reward structures are somewhat comparable across industries. In all the companies I worked at, loyalty system were funded through the marketing pot. A good example is the 3 $US New User coupon, which makes many items cost a penny. No way a seller would facilitate this without AliExpress paying the difference. It is therefore my understanding that AliExpress funded loyalty/rewards are not visible to the seller at all.