Aliexpress really does sell everything....

I was scrolling Aliexpress looking at Baofeng radios and some Shortwave Antenna gear and this popped up in my feed, might be good to add my bug out bag lol.
Hook this up to a Yagi and you could be king of the battlefield lol.

Ali Link

Wow they even have a 100w model that is a crazy amount of power for a WiFi product, i wonder that if you activate this on 2.4g or 5g could you burn out peoples routers?

For overall radio communications 100w isn’t a lot i know a guy he runs a shortwave radio station from Brisbane and hes licensed for up to 1000w.

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Or a missile magnet.

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Duck and roll lol.

Wow, this product is a lot more family friendly than I thought it was going to be :joy:.

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