Aliexpress Super Deals

Pickup up another SuperDeal a couple of minutes ago, FWAA for $20!

2 Thanks

Purchased as well, TY

1 Thank

Nice! That’s a new one for super deals. I’m telling myself I have six TS10 (I think) and don’t need an FWAA…

I was trying to trade a BNIB Brass TS10 for a used FWAA and didn’t find any takers.
This deal was literally made for me.
Now I can just sell my Brass TS10.

1 Thank

good deals, if not officially “super”

Sofirn IF19 with cell
$17.16 after “choice day” $3 discount

Sofirn IF25A with cell
$21.24 after “choice day” $3 discount

3 Thanks

This is pretty good after the discount and money back- APLOS T02 (SFT40, with battery, USB charging, buck driver IIRC)

There are some old posts on here about this one if you search. e.g. 【APLOS GAW】APLOS New T02 1800 lumen Giveaway(closed)


:laughing: I know that feeling!

You may be able to find it via searching AliExpress for your region?

Edit: I just bought a second one to modify/ experiment with. For under AUD$30 (including tax) it’s good buy- taking into account a battery is included. I might drop a 3V XHP50.3 into this one.

1 Thank

First time I’ve seen this model in SuperDeals:

Great find! I’ve maybe seen it before but closer to $20. At any rate, I think I’m going to jump on this one. Bit of an older light but the boost driver and price is swaying me. Thanks!

Edit: no boost driver. An old review covered a version with one but this one for sale does not.

1 Thank

It has a boost driver?

[Review] Sofirn C8G ( XHP35 HI, 1 x 21700 ) - Output and Regulation Tests, Comparison Beamshots - LED Flashlights – General Info / Other Battery Type Flashlights -
[Review] Sofirn C8G ( XHP35 HI, 1 x 21700 ) - Output and Regulation Tests, Comparison Beamshots

1 Thank

Wait, no. I looked up an old review and at the time it had an XHP35. Clrealy this one states SST40, sadly.

1 Thank

Price is coming up $36

I just saw that they had a XHP35 version and Boost makes sense there.

Try this. Shows 13.59 for me.{"ship_from"%3A"CN"%2C"sku_id"%3A"10000000964551142"}&channel=SDForN&sourceType=561&scm=1007.28480.331265.0&scm_id=1007.28480.331265.0&scm-url=1007.28480.331265.0&pvid=9c6d2c28-d91e-480d-b548-767e525cdcbd&utparam=%257B%2522process_id%2522%253A%2522sd-topn-almost-gone-1%2522%252C%2522x_object_type%2522%253A%2522product%2522%252C%2522pvid%2522%253A%25229c6d2c28-d91e-480d-b548-767e525cdcbd%2522%252C%2522belongs%2522%253A%255B%257B%2522id%2522%253A%252232128007%2522%252C%2522type%2522%253A%2522dataset%2522%257D%255D%252C%2522pageSize%2522%253A%25229%2522%252C%2522language%2522%253A%2522en%2522%252C%2522scm%2522%253A%25221007.28480.331265.0%2522%252C%2522countryId%2522%253A%2522US%2522%252C%2522scene%2522%253A%2522SD-Waterfall%2522%252C%2522tpp_buckets%2522%253A%252221669%25230%2523265320%252331_21669%25234190%252319164%2523658_18480%25230%2523331265%25230%2522%252C%2522x_object_id%2522%253A%25222251832822803509%2522%257D&_t=%252Cscm-url%253A1007.28480.331265.0%252Cpvid%253A9c6d2c28-d91e-480d-b548-767e525cdcbd&pdp_npi=3%40dis!USD!US%20%2433.32!US%20%2413.59!!!!!%402101ef8717044020341895823e1846!10000000964551142!gsd!!&aecmd=true&browser_id=8e264272d7c6493695403dd1550e659f&aff_trace_key=067104015f664ae78498373e9d592c60-1702928843347-06416-_olgrRki&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=r6ohg584kdocauks18cd647247616dcb27011cda93&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa

2 Thanks

Gotta find it in SuperDeals not on the Store Page.

Edit: or use the link above.

Got it, ordered. 1 per customer.

1 Thank

I wonder if I could fit a TS11 driver in there instead. It would be pretty neat to have Anduril, aux, and I’m thinking make it a triple or quad with 20mm TIRs. Hmm, I’ll order it and see.

1 Thank

Price went up already: