All of your mods pail in comparison to my ultimate Nitecore I4 charger.

Possibly fake. Can't say for sure though.

Nice option…limited edition Wagon Queen Family Charger.

I saw that once, parked outside WallyWorld.

Mine shorted out

You were saying… :bigsmile: :stuck_out_tongue:

OK, I’ll give you definite style points. . . but my charger has more lumens!

Ah I see Charged with Assault and Batteries then! LED astray at an early age?

Picture before charger mod:

OK, I know it is hard to tell after all of the modifications I made.

I'm waiting for the copper chase to start as the car has no dangerous goods signage. I hope it only has half a tank as it only runs on half power filled up.

Is that a dog leash I see tied to the back bumper?

You may hate it now……but wait until you drive it!

excellent reply…. these guys are good.

Heheheheh…I just noticed the shoes sticking up in the luggage rack.

I do like the dodgecore charger since it charges 8 batteries from 0 to 60 in 9.0 seconds flat .

But I'm sticking with my Lasko mod thanks to all the tireless work done by Flashpilot ...His work on propellers has singlehandedly revolutionized the small plane industry .


sorry I couldn’t resist.
