Anyone interested in the Wicked Edge system? I talked to the owner and got a deal on 5 pcs.
PM me if interested. The one below is the cheapest. They go all the way up to $1799.00
I don’t want to spend that much but I could go <$500.

Turns out my friend 8steve88 repaid the compliment and ordered me a Jot Singh Khalsa which I got today.

Very very nice - thanks Steve.


You should mark the edge with a sharpie / permanent marker to determine whether you sharpen the very edge.
I use my Sharpmaker with the 40 degree settings most of the time and I can achive shaving sharpness without any problem.

There are new ganzos. The g740 seems interesting, more than 23 cm and 9.5 cm of blade is not very usual.

I’ve been eyeing the TOPS Tibo. It’s at USD 52. Should I go for it?

Nice blade but…Ganzo please listen to me, make a perfect copy/clone of Spyderco Military. Another SpyderGanzo is all I need :heart_eyes:

The G740 is a great slicer with its full flat grind, pretty long handle and I like the more original design

Thanks Itsi.
Although, I’m not sure of what you mean of what I can be doing wrong ???.
I hold the knife as straight as possible and glide the blade against the rods in a downward pulling motion keeping it straight (basically what I saw in the video)
I’ll see if I can try to take a good picture on the weekend, maybe you’ll see something wrong with the edge.
Thanks again.
BTW, I love your blog :slight_smile:

Thanks! :slight_smile:
You should have a look at this topic about the sharpie trick.
Basically you can check the progress of the sharpening process by this trick.

Thanks for the tip, now I got it :wink:
I’ll give that a try but in the meantime, here’s a couple of pics.
I know it’s hard to judge from a pic, but does that seem reasonable for a 40 deg angle?

This is intresting… Ganzo fixed blade. Aliexpress does not have them…

Im also intrested in the new schrade SCHF 52M but can’t find a seller in Europe for it :-/

It seems well, but why 7cr13???. Worst steel than tour folder knives ganzo?. I think it would must be at least 8cr13 por the typical 440c of ganzo knives.
De will ser the price and if we can see in gearbest, fasttech and so

and the sharpener on the sheath looks brrr
(as with the firestarter in the handle, I prefer a solid slab of metal there right?

I see them HERE on Amazon in the US… But they do not come up on or .fr Is this common for Amazon in

I would say the 7cr steel would be more in line for the heavy pounding (like bamboo that The Miller was doing) and being a bit softer would bend instead of chipping. Those built in sharpeners and flints are always just a flashy thing extra to have, would they work, sure if you have time and energy for them… Are they great, no… not at all, but they would work it seems…

There are a couple of videos in youtube about the ganzo fixed blade. They indicate that the sharpener on the sheath is really coarse. So that helps you to get your blade in working order in the field in a worst case scenario type of situation. Not that I would personally choose this to be my knife in the wilderness.

The fire starter actually got complimented on throwing a big shower of sparks.

The point I’m trying to make is: I am really excited that Ganzo made a fixed blade knife. I’m hoping others like SRM etc. would follow this and we would get more fixed blade knives from well known chinese manufacturers for a decent price.

You can get an amazing folding knife from china for peanuts these days, so why not fixed blades?! And of course I’m talking about fixed blades with +4 inch (+10cm) blade

I am from Finland and I don’t use Amazon much. had the Schrade schf 52 with the rubberized handle… Only one seller… And the price was insane! 146€! Thats +160 Usd! I would love to have a sturdy blade that you can chop and baton… But not for that price! Luckily we finns have an almost endless supply of Mora knives virtually in every store and they are cheap :slight_smile:

The Schrade SCHF52 is listed on the Finnish Lamnia web store for €70, the SCHF52M though is not listed there

I know it’s not a fixed blade but the Ganzo G720 is cheap and as tough as a folder can be.
I certainly wouldn’t hesitate in using it for these type of tasks.

Thanks! But as you said, no micarta version there :-/ Have to get the tpu handle if I can’t find the micarta version

For chopping and batoning a fixed knife is better.
By the way, are there some news about the ganzo g801?. Will it go to chinese shops like gearbest, fasttech, bangood and so?