Agreed. The al-mar’s and the Natrix are on my short list! Not sure which AM model yet but one of them!

I get you
Yet just ordered two more and a bend pair of scissors for little over $15
I can’t stress enough how happy I was when the mailman came
A total of 2 multi tools and 6 knifes he brought me but this folder just blew me away and hence I ordered two more as gifts (heck I can buy 3 for the price of 1 nice Ganzo so effectively tripled my gifting power :smiley:

oh I am really don’t care about brands so prefer anything without a brand on it if I have the chance but realize I am kind of unique on that department :wink:

Kershaw / Al-Mar AM3 link…

looks like 4 models planned, I’d be in for the AM4 very handsome knife.

Yeah, finally some more assisted Kershaw knives, as there wouldn’t be enough in that section already.

But it seems the buyers like that, the extremely well flipping Chill or Strobe get discontinued for wannabe auto knives.

Ha, personally, I’ve never owned a Kershaw or an assisted-opener, and I’ve always kind of wanted an Al-Mar Falcon or Eagle. This is basically three birds with one stone!!!

Received my jin02 today. Impressed overall. Definitely well built very smooth out of the box action (surprising). Blade centered perfect, no blade play whatsoever. Almost threw my arm out testing blade retention did finally get it to open but no way this thing opens by accident. G10 texture is smooth. It does provide more grip than wood or metal scales but will not hang/grab clothing. Blade came dull imo (surprising). During sharpening I could easily tell that this was a harder steel compared to aus 8, vg10, 440c. Acted much more like s30v steel that a friend asked me to sharpen recently. I’ll end by saying that this knife is in terms of thickness and weight about maxed what I would edc. Love it.

After adding some lube to the bearings mine became “free falling” smooth.
I’m really curious about its blade steel. By any chance could someone test it with an XRF alloy analyzer? :wink:

It really surprised me that mine came like that free falling closed.edit: have to slightly tip forward to close. Was also surprised it came dull lol. I am thinking about taking a dremel to the cutout notch w/e it’s called to allow the pin to go further forward when the lock is engaged. It seems solid but a little farther forward couldn’t hurt.

Wow just looked up what that was and what it cost. I’m curious but not that curious lol. Tried doing some research and the best answers I could find say that Chinese D2 is Cr12mo1V1 and has less vanadium than other D2 tool steels. So I’m guessing it’s not quite as hard as I’m pretty sure that’s what vanadium does?Source of my B.S.

Thanks for the link! :+1:
A couple of times I saw folders listed on Ali with “GB D2” steel.

My latest review about the new LionSteel KUR copy (ball bearings, titanium backspacer, deep carry pocketclip).

I’m looking at buying my first mainstream budget folders here soon; got it mostly narrowed down to Ganzos, but I’m for sure liking that Y-Start Jin02!

So here is my “wish list” so far:

G7531-CF or 7533 (unsure)
Now adding the Y-Start Jin02 to the list!

Does anyone have an opinion on any of those blades, or possibly a recommendation to go with one or the other (or multiples) as a first buy? I’d hate to buy 5 or 6 knives only to find out I don’t like the brand, or most of them. Is there a good “starter” Ganzo (or similar) to get a feel for the brand?

I’ve got tons and tons of other knives, but looking for these ones to add in to my EDC rotation and obviously just for knife-play and fun/collecting.

Thoughts? Thanks!

You can see some reviews of the list on my blog.
The jin02 will be very very soon.
Well, the G7531-CF like me a lot for example (see my review), the g712 is older and less practical, depend on your taste, the g727 is really cheap but i think the lock engage worst, but it is incredible popular, the g729 is another winner, spyderco type…

Again, the g753 in my last review like me a lot…

Hey isti242 I’ve started to get a little annoyed by the stiffness of the axis lock. Any way to ease the tension? Like I said action is great but disengaging the lock requires more force than I would like.

If you like Spyderco the F729 in CF is fantastic! Firebird is the new name for Ganzo so the quality is better overall (drilled liners for example).

Compressing/squeezing the omega springs a bit could help.
Have a look at one of the tutorials about it on Youtube. For example this one.

From your list I would go for the G7531-CF, the F729-CF and the G727M-W1 (wood).
The Y-Start JIN02 is an absolute best buy, you can’t go wrong with it.

I have all the ones on your list except the Jin2 (I have the JIN1 though and love it).
As Xatu mentioned, the 712 is more of a looker if you like unusual blades but not really practical for EDC imo.
The G717 has nice G10 Hanzo style scales, looks really nice but I had to sand them very slighly as they were quite rough. It has the smoothest axis lock of all my Ganzos.
The 727, although not the best looking one of the bunch is excellent for EDC, non threatening, great slicer due to the full flat grind blade and the handle shape is extremely comfortable.
If you like Spyderco style, the 729 is great but as other have mentioned, I would get the Firebird F729-CF if you don’t mind loosing a bit of traction due to the carbon fiber laminate.
The G753 is really nice too and the blade is bad a$$.

Honestly I don’t thing you can go wrong with any of them for the price, I would just pick the one you like the most and try it out first before buying others. These are always available for a good price on Gearbest or Fasttech.

I agree with all.
Really all have quality, all are good enough. It is more subjetive, depends on your tastes. I like my g712, but it is not prqctical, and what? it is not neccesary to b practical for me. It is true than the last ganzos are even a bit better than olds, it is another point.
I like a lot the g753, but the g729/f729 too for example.
The jin02 is special and in little little time (this weekend) i am going to review it on my blog. It is a fashion knife but… perhaps my review is not so… happy. Well, we will see it (but in terms of quality construction is good).

You do not go wrong with any, perhaps the g717 is the less love it for me but i do not have one.


Well, this time it’s the review of one of the most popular folder knife in recent months: Y-Start Jin02…

I hope you like it!