this year i’d like to build something different. this year i’d like to build something that does not only shine the light on thing, but does something more, since time is something i do not have much, i’d have to keep it simple this year.
this is an entry in handmade category, i decided to stay away from usual form factors, this year light will be in a form of work light,. like you saw in any car repair shop. but this will be more than just a light, it will have 6xml, but i will be driving them at 700ma, this will be plenty of light for its purposes, it will have floody beam, it should look just like a work light, but once butt caps are removed, one end will uncover very sensitive camera, 0,0001lux to be precise. on the other end will be a plug for a viewfinder, that i removed long time ago from old camera. i will power it with 3x 18650.
i’ve managed to get most of the parts, and build 80% of the viewfinder.
the viewfinder has video out and power in, so i can use it with pretty much any dvd\vcr\camera. no sound thou. i will use cb mic. plugs, for the charger, and viewfinder.
will use 700ma boost driver from led supply.
some more work is done, head is done, mounted on the body, camera is in, so are the driver, charging plug, and switch\pot. the switch is a combo of pot and actual switch, when knob is pulled light is on when it is pushed back, the light is off, there are still few things to be done, batteries, viewfinder port, and camera switch.
Now you have gone a done an RBD on me, that is confused me to the point I have no idea what you are doing. Saying that and ignore the comment. Carry on as usual. :laughing:
This is looking super cool and has lots of interesting wire thingy bits everywhere with knobs and stuff.
lol, it does look confusing, those are not all of the wires, there will be 10 more, now the bad news, i have to redo viewfinder, the wire i used is not a good one as i found out, i think the gauge is too high, even thou there will be only few hundred miliamps, of current, and the rest are singal, i still think it is too thin, actually my entire work is stopped for now until i get proper wire.
and i promise once it is done it will be easier to look at than now, with all the noodles out.
almost done, only thing left to do is charger cable, and additional cable for lcd screen, i have small 3,5in lcd that i’d like to be able to use with this light. that and an actual beamshot.
had to replace original cable with thius color thingy, i used peices of hearshrink to make a cable.
this is viewfinder. the pic looks a lot better when you look with the eye, i phone cam could not show how it really looks.
It lives. After seeing all the wiring and bits I thought no way but you got me. Well done. You even used a bit of my first language in there, thingy, about the only part I understood.
had to redo the viewfinder cable, originally i used half a dozen of heatshrink to wrap 6 wires around, but it was not flexible enough and the cable was prone to tangling, even thou it was short, so i decided to remove the hearshrinks, and use peice of 3\16-5\16 silicone hose instead, cable turned out to be thicker, but more flexible, and would not tangle. had to cut original cable, and install a small box where i did the connections.
one thing left is beamshots, i will be going upstate latter this month, right before contest is over, i’ll have a chance to do some outdoor beamshots.