Aluminum, SS, Copper, Titanium... how about a silver AAA light?

Come on man, you can’t just say something like that and not post pictures!

I remembered seeing some silver torches on CPF. Here’s a few links:
Silver torches on CPF
Torch 1
Torch 2

… I didn’t know you could 3D print with silver! :sunglasses:
That opens up some options!

From the above links:

That would be sexy, I’d be in for one of those.

We have to ask a question to “Prince” anyway so I use at least one ofy daily questions for asking about a silver AAA light :wink:

That is a bummer deal isn’t it. That customer is coming back toward the end of the month. I will get some images then. I wanted to take some when he picked up the light but he was out running an ice storm so I didn’t push him to stay. I will post some when I get them. It was a neat light.
Thanks TL.

What about a lower priced metal like titanium for the reflector and battery enclosures and a sterling segment for the emitter housing/radiator? The two-tone would look pretty good. Argentium might be a better choice than standard sterling alloy.

I wonder how far away are we technology-wise from a flashlight in the form of a silver coin?(dollar/quarter/dime)You would have to have some fine machining equipment and a small battery.
Have the led on the edge and squeeze the coin for switching on/off/mode.

Might be possible to cast the tubes, and collect all the scrap from machining… I’d be up for it… I like silver…

Generally small batches of products are not manufactured the same way as products that are sold by the thousands. I think that it is quite possible that a silver version of the BLF/Astrolux A01 AAA-flashlight would be manufactured the same as the copper version. This afternoon the mailman delivered my copper light and I disassembled it immediately. Apart from the fragile O-ring, I gutted her carefully. On my wife’s electronic kitchen scale the copper body and head weighed 39 gram. The specific weight (official: the specific gravity) of copper is 8.93 gram/cm3 and that of silver is 10.49 gram/cm3. Made from silver, the body and head would have weighed 45.8 gram, or 1.47 troy ounce. Let’s make it an even 1.5 ounce.
A one ounce silver bar will set you back some USD 20. If I did the math correct, sterling silver bars cost about 1.5 times as much.
My assumption is that the manufacturing steps of copper and silver lights are the same. In both cases it is quite likely that the scraps will be re-used or re-sold. In that case the silver light will cost some USD 50 more than the copper light. This is a wild guess, I’m no expert!

Wouldn’t silver be too soft? Unless it’s made of some kind of silver alloy… It’ll tarnish and give a nice look about it, but would probably scratch a bit too easily alongside keys.

I just bumped into this thread. Yes silver is soft. But why not electro-plate any metal you wish with silver? That’s how most jewelry is made. It’s easy to do, I have the stuff to plate in copper and nickel for example. You can make the plating as thick as your patience :slight_smile:

Here’s where I got my supplies:

Yeah, kinda defeats the purpose, IMO. I understand gold-plating, because gold is so expensive, but silver should be solid.

+1 for solid silver!

Should not be overly costly to do that. There’s a company that sells hand made silver pendrives - see here:
The prices start at 22EUR:
Few years back I’ve seen a video how those are made and I remember they were casted and then machined. All scraps were carefully recovered and melted for another batch.
What about 10180 battery flashlight instead of AAA? Would be cheaper in material and could be used as necklace so true jewellery with usable features :slight_smile:

I like the idea too. However i’m a bit cautious with this somewhat exotic battery format - not mentioning runtime… AAA can be found anywhere.

Well it really depends how you look at that light - I would treat it as jewellery piece with additional utilitarian role, not as primary EDC or backup light and I would have AAA/AA based light for that purpose. I would want my EDC light to be able to take considerable amount of abuse so I woulnd’t have to worry about it and just use it in whatever situation I will encounter. Silver flashlight on the other hand will tarnish faster with contact even with clean hands (because of all the oils and other organic compounds present on skin).
10180 is standard li-ion rechargable cell size (just very small - ie. 10mm x 18mm length), maybe less prevalent than 18650 or 10440 but still you can’t buy any of that at the nearest corner or any convenience store for that matter. Good micro-USB built in charger would solve that problem but for me smaller size would be priority as for the usage profile outlined above light on low mode would last weeks.

I agree that the 10180 size would be nice for a silver neck-light! I have a DQG Hobi, and it’s on my key-ring. I hardly ever use it. But there are times when it’s just easier to pull out the Hobi than to grab another flashlight. And, it’s plenty bright for any up-close lighting needs. For now, it’s my EDC, since I have a bad habit of giving away all my nice EDC-size flashlights to friends and family.

Edit: Oh yeah, I wanted to say that the cells I have are fairly high drain for their size. I was able to get ~1.5A to a string of parallel Nichia 119’s from a single 10180 rated at 90mAh! You probably wouldn’t want to do that kind of draw continuously, but it shows that these cells can really kick when needed. :wink: