Amazing little light Now With Beamshots

Ok Rob, You win! Lol. Here are some beamshots comparing it to a couple of my other little hot rods. I turned the exposure down a bit because 30 meters is kind of close. I tested the ET d25c clicky, ET D25C twisty & BC10 on a CR123 primary first, I don’t think my little beastie from MRsDNF would fire up on a primary. Then I did the same three lights on AW IMR followed by the DNF on IMR. The D25C clicky is a beast but the XPG lights are starting to pull away even though they are considerably lower lumens ( except the DNF) Well I hope these are good enough to do these little cannons some justice.

D25c clicky on primary

D25C twisty on primary

BC10 on primary

D25C clicky on IMR

D25c twisty on IMR

BC10 on IMR


My, how folk cave in under slight pressure………

Wow, the DNF looks ‘da bomb’ like!!!

Looks like an exceptionally good EDC.

Dedome it… 0:)