My review of the AMUTORCH XT60 with 11,600 lumens NB90.16 LED (865m fat beam range)
Thanks for the review. Still looks like a nice light but it’s kind of a joke how most of these Chinese companies exaggerate by 3000 or 4,000 lumens!
All but a few of my lights are modified. One that is not modified that I just got is the Mateminco PD90S, it advertises 9000 lumens. It was tested by another member and he got just over 6000 lumens. I know this has been going on since I started getting into lights 12 years ago but the exaggeration seems to be worse lately.
Thx again for your thorough and exciting reviews!
To be fair both Vinh and 1Lumen reviews measured between 1000-2000 more lumens than me, I think with the step down glitch I’m getting there maybe an issue with my sample.
This LED seems really impressive. It’s like having 3 x XHP50.2 but with noticeably more throw and possibly even more output. I wonder we haven’t seen this LED in more lights? Would like to see it in an E07X/FW21 Pro sized light. Also, 4 of these in a triple 21700 light would be insane.
Your step down glitch may be a small part of it but it’s primarily because of an exaggeration. Vihn’s numbers are a modified version with a current boost that in this case only gain another 500 to 600 lumens.
The numbers that you get and the numbers on their website are stock numbers.
He noted he got about 500 to 600 more lumens. Without that tweak it would have been 8,600 lumens compared to the 11,600 advertised. As exaggerated as my PD90S!
Have a Good evening.
I wasn’t expecting 11,600 lumens either, but I think I got around 9000-something at start. Pretty impressive. The smaller xt45 did about the same output at start and both pulled 30+ amps.
Thanks for the review. Amazing output and throw. I love how these smaller companies are releasing lights that truly push the state of the art. So much output I don’t even mind the fast stepdown too much . Beam profile is very nice with both spill and hotspot so bright.
Review of XT45 on 1lumen mentions no LVP/no low voltage warning IIRC. Same thing here?
Turbo: “From cold Turbo lasted approx. 60 seconds then the light turned off!” Does it do this every time? Strange behavior, as if something is not working right.
The way I use my light (continuous on with high brightness for ~1 hour) requires daily charging, so integrated USB-C charging would help.
If I remember right it did shut down at around 2.8 volts and the output goes low before that happens.
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“AFAIK the NB90.16 is just a rebranded SFH55.”
Does anyone know if above is true? The specs are similar.
I’m interested in the LED, and Mateminco PD90S has SFH55 and USB-C charging that I’m looking for. Plus optional 26650 battery .
Finding it very hard to resist that light in beautiful green\_9GD8QZ&tt=CPS_NORMAL&aff_fsk=\_9GD8QZ&aff_platform=shareComponent-detail&sk=\_9GD8QZ&aff_trace_key=d199b70f0e524261ba9050a18792b288-1670742027098-07441~~\_9GD8QZ&terminal_id=a1983b1a61f5468abe12c571aed68a91&afSmartRedirect=y&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt&\_randl_shipto=US
LED comparison I found on the web:
It does indeed look identical to the SFH55. The problem with this LED is that the die is 78% larger than the SFN55 but the forward voltage seems to be about the same. They claim it can handle 62A but according to reviews it pulls roughly the same current as the SFN55 (just over 30A).
Any ideas of the LED mcpcb size? Is it standard 20mm or else?
I’d have to measure it, but it looked like 26mm (it was round)
Appreciate that info a lot. I thought I could swap it to SBT90.2 but with that size I don’t think I’ll go for it…
You could get one from a Mateminco mt90/Astrolux ft03S to fit. That’s a 26mm mcpcb. I think Thrunite 26650 lights use a similar size mcpcb.
Honestly I dont think it needs an led swap. It’s pretty awesome as it is for a 60mm head pocketable light.