An apprentice's mod... ultrafire f13/noctagon xml2 etc. - complete - but still need a beamshot?

I got a good cheap modding host from wallbuys for 12.88

The ultrafire F13.

Promising mod host as it will do 18650 and 26650. Has a nice LARGE pill and has a nice beefy feel to it.

This is what I had planned for this host.

UCL ~$2 from intl outdoor.

XML2U2 1A noctagon ~$8 from intl outdoor

Teflon coated 22ga wires

Solder fill the pill for better heatsinking.

I chose to go with a single mode direct drive (no driver!) for two reasons. First, because the last 2 drivers I have tried to install I end up butchering and breaking. What can I say... I have the gorilla fingers. Second, because I felt the host had sufficient mass and could take the heat of a 1 mode light without the need for a low mode to cool down. Oh... you want a low mode? Better use your keychain light boy!

Here are some photos from the mod. Good news - I didnt break anything and I got to use a blow torch!! FIRE!!!


My dad (blf member windup) behind the torch helping solder fill the pill (because taking a photo and handling a torch is difficult to do at the same time)

Lets cook up some solder!

Here is a shot of the pill before I drilled holes for the wires

Added copper braid to the tail cap (switch seems to be of decent quality) and prepared a contact board I had.

Mounted the noctagon xml2 and applied thermal paste.


It works! - I used a protected cell before using a 26650 imr just to be safe.

Silly me - I forgot that the XML2 has quite high VF and even direct drive on one imr 26650 pulls about 3.8-4amps MAX on a fresh cell. Still better than the stock 2amps and easily keeps up with a stock tiny monster (high mode vs high mode)... it does handle heat quite well... I ran mine for 15 mins and it got warm but not piping hot.

not bad for ~$25 :) and a fun afternoon.

Beamshots? I didnt take any since the Denver game was coming on tv and I didnt think it was much to see... maybe around 1200-1300 lumen? Im just glad I didnt break or blow up something hehe :)

Congrats! Mine is still sitting waiting to be modded.


is slight flickering once and a while normal on direct drive? or do i have a crummy connection somewhere?

Sounds like a bad connection to me.


yeah, my tailspring is a bit screwed after adding the copper braid - might take it apart next time i have some time to check connection :slight_smile:

Nice one Paul!

About the flickering part, yeah it’s the most annoying this I face in many of my mods. My mods usually work but they often ended with slight flickering. |(

The F13 head diameter is smaller than a C8?

I dont have a c8 anymore but i think the lens was 37mm

i tightened the head down and the flickering went away and it got 10% brighter LOL.

sounds like a spring/contact issue

Yeah, F13 lens is 37mm while a C8 is 42mm.


Good to know that your F13 is rocking now.

So the F13 head is really smaller than a C8. A standard C8 has 41~42mm lens.