An explanation and apology

I’ve been reading back a few of my posts, I think I seem overly grumpy at the moment so I would like to apologise to any and all that I may have jumped on or flamed.

I am very sorry.

I think I have mentioned that myself and mrs gords are expecting again, this came as a bit of a surprise tbh, I have cancelled the milk and the window cleaners and ordered a bigger telly, just to be on the safe side :bigsmile:

We found out when we were in the middle of buying a 3 bedroom house, needless to say, we decided there may be problems, what with already having three kids and all……

We really couldn’t have anticipated that this would be the least of our worries, we went for the roughly twelve week scan in June, they found a problem, the babies intestine is growing half in and half out of the foetus.

This in and of itself, is apparently not that much of a problem, what is a problem is what is causing this to happen, namely a chromosomal disorder, downs syndrome etc basically.

They followed up with another ultrasound scan and next week we are in so they can take an amniotic sample, this will hopefully allow them to do a chromosome count and determine the exact disorder but the prognosis is not good, at the moment they are confident it is Edwards syndrome and to cut a long story short, at the moment, downs syndrome would be a blessing in comparison, I strongly suggest that if your easily upset, don’t look it up.

We are dead set against termination, but depending on results, are actually considering this option, the syndrome is unlikely to result in a baby that lives beyond a week, if the poor little mite actually manages not to be still born, and the quality of life could be atrocious.

Couple this with buying a house, a house move imminent in a couple of weeks and this being my busiest time of the year, with little sleep, two toddlers that though adorable are demanding and as I say, I can see I’m getting tetchy.

I am very sorry if I have jumped on anyone, I will try not to, and think before I post.

We are both optimists, so we both cling to the tiny fraction of a chance that the prognosis is wrong, but it seems this is just nature’s odds popping up to bite us in the ass, if the prognosis is right, the odds are basically, out of 490 ish foetus’ s diagnosed in the British isles in 2008-9, only 5 were born and lived over a week.

Sorry to bring down the mood, but I felt my friends on blf deserved an explanation for my grumpiness.

Your friend


sorry to hear this gords... even though it dont seem to look good, i hope the best for you and your family

Gosh! As father of a two year old, I could not even remotely think how one could feel in your shoes at the moment!

Wish you and family all the best, really.

I hope the best for you and your family…

cheers pulsar, it means a lot, we’re just taking each day as it comes, all we can do tbh, just hope the baby knows it is loved and always will be.

jeez you guys are fast :bigsmile: :beer:


I am really sorry to hear about your situation. You and your wife are, in the midst of, or about to have to be, making some very difficult decisions, and the only thing that I can say is that my prayers are with both of you, and the baby.


P.S. BTW, I didn’t notice any “grumpiness”…. I just thought that was normal :)!

No apologies needed. Hope everything works out.

All I can say is take care of those close to you. No appologies needed, we’ll deal with your grumpy a$$ when your more up to it.

Wow, gords. Thanks for that, but no apology necessary, I’d say. HOpe it works out. Keep us informed.

Graham you and your family are in my prayers. Just for extra luck I got my fingers crossed that the tests were wrong.

I wish you and your family the best

I usualy can’t stand people posting sob storys on forums especially people who post about there own illnesses, but this is very different, my heart goes out to you both. I can only hope you can make the right decision for all concerned.

thanks guys, I’ll be honest, the mods on tfe have been aware of this for a bit and have just been awesome, I am not in the least suprised that you are all being just as awesome, its why blf is a special place for me.

Grumpiness should be properly adjusted when the sun returns to more regular british levels rather than the stupid level its been at recently, I’m a fridge engineer by trade and needless to say, high ambients = very busy gords, this is not good for mrs gords as she’s having to deal with a lot of this on her own which adds guilt to my other hang ups.

Whatever will be will be, this was programed into either the successful sperm or successful egg, nothing anyone could do to predict it, no one to blame either, just a bit of a sickener to be honest.

I’m just glad I have this place and tfe to drop into, its helpful having people totally unattached to you in real life to talk to.

Gords, your story hits kind of close to home for me. All I can say is where there is life there is hope, so don’t give in to the negative thoughts. You and your’s will be in the Cone family prayers. Be strong and know that your invisible friends are pulling for ya.

Tough decisions, cannot even imagine myself in such a situation.
I think I can cope with reading just a little grumpiness at forums!

I wish you all Best Of Luck!

Heart breaking news Gords, I wish this moment turns the best possible way for you and your family.

I write grumpy posts caused by much less than what you are going through, and I find that to be ok on BLF, I have nice periods as well to compensate. Take care the upcoming time, hope things clear up a bit one way or another.

And if you feel like it you can always do a 'sorry for being grumpy all the time' flashlight giveaway .


You make me realise how simple my life is. I have problems that at times I consider to be large but it’s all relative.

I’m not a believer in God so no prayers here but I’ll think of you from sunny Bury, not that far away from you.

All the best my friend.

Prayers to the both of you and hope all turns out for the best.