An explanation and apology

This an awefull lot to take in for any man to handle it really is hard wben life hits its all at one time my sincerest prayers if it doesn't offend you go out to you and your family and I don't think there is much you could do here on this forum to really say is unforgivable except maybe start pushing surefire just kidding you shared what was bothering which is an awful lot for any one and apologized. To those you feel you think you may have offended as a man. Now its up to them any self respecting person seeing your sincerity should let it go and mo. On and I pray your situation improves:-)

Here’s wishing for the best to you and your family.

Take care of yourself Graham. That is important. Don't try to do it alone.

If there's anything we can do...

It's what phones were invented for.

Gords, sorry to hear you're going through a bad time right now. I hope everything works out for the best for you are your family.


hey Don, I got your message, I’ll give you a bell when I’m not at work, been meaning to message you anyway.

Cheers Glen and everyone else. This forum is truly one of the best.

Hoping your family can through this tough time and everything is fine. I did pray for you.

I haven't noticed any grumpiness, Graham. You already know my feelings about the baby situation. Just keep us updated on the results. You and yours are still in our thoughts, mate.

I can only imagine the stress you are under at the moment. All I can do is wish you and your family the very best. As one of the other guys said, it’s best not to try to get through this on your own. We are fortunate in the UK to have a lot of professional care out there, NHS or otherwise, and I’m sure you are getting the support you need. My sister in law worked for many years at Alder Hey children’s hospital down the road from you in Liverpool and if you need names, contact details etc or help in any other way just let me know and I’ll ask her to point you in the right direction. Ken

You are correct, sir, and thanks for the warm welcome.
I’m just a relatively recent flashaholic/C8 addict and daily forum visitor, but I’ve come to respect, appreciate, and feel a certain kinship with Gords and fellow enthusiasts here, whose contributions of knowledge and ideas make this such a great online community. As I learn more, I hope to be able to contribute more.

Makes me feel all warm & fuzzy! :bigsmile:

You know we're thinking of you Graham and you know we're here for you mate! Take care my friend and give Mrs gords and little one's hug. You're a very close family and your love for each other will get you through this terrible situation.

Hi Gords, I’m really sorry to hear this. I just wanted to say, you and your family are in my thoughts. Sending lots of hugs.

Graham, sorry to hear of all this. I can't imagine the stress you and Toni are going through! Know you're in my thoughts and prayers. Keep your spirits up! We love you man! And we're here for you to talk to and "let it out" anytime.

God Bless,


Wishing you strength and clarity, Gords. We’re all here for you.

Gords - Life can be a real rollercoaster sometimes. Best wishes and big hugs from down south.

on the lighter side of things, here’s a typical scene after gords gets home, my 14 month old never fails to pick pocket me for my edc’s

<a href=Photo Storage | Photobucket target=_blank><img src= border=0 alt=>

<a href=Photo Storage | Photobucket target=_blank><img src= border=0 alt=>

<a href=Photo Storage | Photobucket target=_blank><img src= border=0 alt=>

He loves daddies torches and can even drive the ios 4 mode group c8 I built lol, I cant wait to build him his own edc :bigsmile:

I’m at a loss for words. Doesn’t happen often. Our hearts go out to you. ’Nuff said.

Thanks for putting a smile on my dial.

no worries, they were both playing, but every time you try to get a photo of James, he wants to see what your shooting lol, here’s one of my favourite pictures of him though.

<a href=Photo Storage | Photobucket target=_blank><img src= border=0 alt=>

<a href=Photo Storage | Photobucket target=_blank><img src= border=0 alt=>

<a href=Photo Storage | Photobucket target=_blank><img src= border=0 alt=>

All right, three of them, he was cooperative for a change there lol

bit of an update.

As we go through the many scans, the prognosis and upbeat nature has improved.

We met the consultant surgeon today, a very friendly, happy and reassuring woman who talked us through what we could expect.

They still cant nail anything down, much like an engineering problem, they need the baby infront of them so they can work out how to proceed.

They no longer suspect brain damage, in fact, their much less sure we really are dealing with as bad a situation as they first thought. The liver, stomach and intestines being outside the abdomen is no small problem, but she at least, remained hopeful.

We’re feeling better for the conversation, which I think is the main reason for it but I’m now much more hopeful that I’ll get to cuddle my new little bundle of fun.

Thanks again for all your kind words, especially one member who will always be in my thoughts, they truly are one in a million.
