An ultra high power direct drive LED driver

27 bucks a pop… and you have to buy 9 of them. Also, they conveniently don’t spec some important specs…

Not sure about missing specs being convenient for anyone… which missing specs should be there?

Me as well. It sounds like your light may be used on a locomotive?

nice! 300W=around 12000 lumens ? you win the lumen part of the contest.

More like over 20,000 lumens… You get well over 15,000 lumens at 150 watts.

Actually, you have to get rid of 21 Watts of heat in that circumstance. The 20 watts generated by the pelt PLUS the 1 watt of heat that is "Moved" from the cold side to the hot side.

texaspyro, any chance of you becoming some competition to TaskLED drivers? I love the H6Flex, but 40 bucks for a driver has gotta be a healthy profit margin, no?

Any chance of you making a cheaper version of the H6Flex?

40 bucks for the H6 flex is a healthy profit, but depending on the volume of them that are sold, it's not totally crazy. One cannot run a business for long on an unhealthy profit...


You would know better than I would PPtk, it just seems to me that the components itself would only be like 20 bucks?

If 40 is a good deal, then I won’t argue, I’m just a cheapo I guess.

You're probably not far off simplec6.. With the cost of parts that don't pass QC and require rework or rebuild, the cost of RMA parts that fail in the field and must be replaced for the customer and the cost of overhead in running a business, that is actually just about the right breakdown. Most electronic manufacturers run at right around 50% material cost..

Anything less than that, and one is running a hobby, not a business. When material cost is more than about 50% of your sell price, you'll be losing money just about every time. There are limited exceptions (like products with VERY expensive materials or VERY cheap materials).
