Not that I’ve ever used. Sunset or “candle” mode are the only two options I’ve ever pressed into service for ‘auto off’. I use sunset mode pretty regularly on my IF25A. 30 minute dim to off is awesome. I’m usually asleep well before the light goes out. Love it. One of the best features of Anduril.
But Anduril being the high-quality opensource code that it is, there’s never any missing features, there’s only implementation opportunities!
So if you really want that feature, make a post about it in the Anduril 2 Feature Change Suggestions topic and I’m pretty sure someone will step up and implement it for you, perhaps even Yours Truly!
Nope… I do like it… Even though when I look closer part of it may be a pill bottle. I was looking at the top part… the yellow looking shade part. Yeah maybe a spray pint can lid… but I did not see it… a bit dense here I guess!! Still looks pretty nice to me.
Sorry for the digression…
I think Lumenheir is probably right. It looks like a prescription pill bottle upside-down, with a second piece on top. The second piece looks like the lid for a can of spray paint.
You ever look at some of the pictures that are designed ot look entirely different depending on how they are viewed. Where perspective changes from a depression (concave) to a bump (convex) shape. But defines by a 2 dimensional image.
When I looked at the pic initially, I thought the top part had something like a chimney in the middle. Nothing like just a spray paint can lid. Pretty amazing, once it was pointed out to me what it was… and I saw it for what it is, all of the coolness just went away.
Look at this for a while. You can see two completely different pictures:
Just wondering if anyone ever got around to trying to implement this outside the regular sunset mode, or maybe set sunset mode to be on by default without clicking into it?
I’ll dig in the code myself, but I’d hate to reinvent the wheel if one of you guys/gals has already put a tire on one for this…
(Yes, semi old thread… they’re still here for this very reason… don’t like it, don’t reply )