Anduril 2 default values ("factory reset settings")


Can anyone help me where to find the default (or better “factory reset” settings) for different Anduril 2 flashlights? In my case for a Sofirn SP10 Pro.

E.g. in is stated for the ramping config: “Default values are different for each model of flashlight. The numbers
above are only examples.”

The factory reset is a good starting point when I get lost… But for some Anduril 2 settings I wonder what the default (factory reset) setting is. E.g. for “memory style”, “manual memory”, “saved brightness” and “manual memory timer”.

Is there a place where the default values for each flashlight with Anduril 2 are listed?

I already wrote to Sofirn directly… But they could not answer my question and told me to ask here.

Best regards and thanks in advance

In the config file of the model : ~toykeeper/flashlight-firmware/anduril2 : contents of ToyKeeper/spaghetti-monster/anduril/cfg-sofirn-sp10-pro.h at revision 657

Welcome to BLF :beer:

Thank you very much! This helps a lot! :+1:

Can you tell me for which functionality these 4 settings are? :

#define MAX_1x7135 15
#define DEFAULT_LEVEL 75

Seems to have something to to with the “Smooth ramp: Ramp speed.” (Anduril 2 Manual · Ivan: Thinking)…

But in the UI you can only set values from “1” (Full Speed) - “4” (Quarter Speed) for the smooth ramping speed. What is the default value / parameter for this setting? I assume it is “1” for the SP10 Pro but i could not find it in the config file (at least with a value in the range “1-4”).

> Sofirn SP10 Pro… E.g. for “memory style”, “manual memory”, “saved brightness” and “manual memory timer”.

I believe, though I cannot verify atm, that the SP10 Pro ships w 90 lumen as the turn on brightness (saved brightness, which you can change w 10C from On at whatever level you choose).

The light also comes w a 10 minute hybrid memory (memory style is to turn on at the saved brightness, but it uses a 10 minute temporary memory),

so if you change the brightness (example by ramping to 5 lumens) and turn the light off and back on within 10 minutes, it turns on at the last used brightness (5 lumens). But if you leave it off for more than 10 minutes it reverts to the saved brightness setting (90 lumens, or whatever you set w 10C from On).

This Hybrid memory confuses a lot of people, when they try to change the startup brightness (10C from on), and then change to a different output, and turn the light off and on again, since it turns on at the last used brightness (within 10 minutes).

So to confirm that the 10C from On changed the startup level, you have to wait 10 minutes, otherwise the light turns on at last used output.

Does that help?

> What is the default value / parameter for this setting? I assume it is “1” for the SP10 Pro

correct, default ramp speed is 1.

> #define DEFAULT_LEVEL 75

I believe that is the manual memory of about 90 lumens (level 75 of 150). But to change the manual memory you do not use the ramping step, instead you just ramp to whatever output you like, visually, and set that as the saved brightness using 10C from ON (if you have a light meter you can set it to whatever lumens you like, otherwise you just set it by eye)

btw, you have to be in Advanced to make these changes.

also note, Simple UI ceiling is level 150 of 150, which is equal to Turbo (makes no sense to me, that Simple UI can use Maximum by default, but Sofirn requested that). I change Simple UI ceiling to 120/120, which is somewhere around 350 Lumens (cant verify exact output, dont have an SP10 Pro atm)

1 Thank

Hi jon_slider!

I think that the 10C manual default level (also for hybrid mode with memory timer on) is this part of the config file (“~6lm / 50”):

// turn on at ~6 lm by default (level 50/150, or ramp step 2/5 or 3/7)
// (also sets lockout mode 2H to a useful level)
// reset to default after being off for 10 minutes

DEFAULT_LEVEL seems to be something different…

Not sure… IF the light turns on at 6 lumens, then yes… otoh, IF the light turns on at 90 lumens, then that is probably level 75, not level 50.

Does it look like your SP10 Pro turns on (after 10 minute wait), at 6 lumens or 90 lumens?… I dont remember, dont have an SP10 Pro atm.

MAX_1×7135 sets a bunch of stuff, like the middle ramp blink (if enabled), the level of UI flashes I think and other stuff.
HALFSPEED_LEVEL and QUARTERSPEED_LEVEL is for dynamic underclocking set the levels at which the MCU clock (and PWM frequency) is halved and halved again, this is for reducing power consumption.
DEFAULT_LEVEL : not sure, replaces MAX_1×7135 for the level at which the light turns ON after power is connected I think ? But only when manual memory isn’t used.

Ramp speed is something else, and default is 1.

In the default settings it seems to be 6 lumens (not 90).
Cannot really measure it but it is compareable to settings around 5 lumens compared to other lights.

I trust your comparison. If you like it starting at 6 lumens, youre there… If you want it to start at some other output, ramp to the output you prefer, and do 10C from On. That will save the new turn on default of your choosing.

I cannot find this setting (“1”) in the config file for the SP10 Pro…

Is there an additional “generic config file” in which default values for all models are defined and the files for the single models only overwrite certain “generic settings”? This would explain why the setting (SmoothRampSpeed=1) is not included in the SP10 Pro config file…

Thank you! :+1:

> I cannot find this setting (“1”) in the config file for the SP10 Pro…

I do not use config files, I use the manual… (but that wont always tell you the actual default for all Anduril lights, just how to change the settings)

fwiw, the default ramp speed is mentioned elsewhere in the manual:


however, not all the defaults in the manual, are in actual use with all Anduril lights… YMMV :wink:

suggest you not try to generalize. I think you are on the right track to focus on your specific light, and how to get it set up the way you like…

fwiw Anduril is very complicated. I change 15 default settings on my lights… here is a chart, thanks to containerfan, with green circles on all the things I change:

here is the clean chart:

1 Thank

Thank you very much!

This part of the txt is exactly the part I meant. Underneath it is stated “Default values are different for each model of flashlight. The numbers
above are only examples.”

I think for the Sofirn SP10 Pro I like the most important default settings… I only change to advanced UI and from stepped ramping to smooth ramping.

Perhaps I will experiment with ceiling, turbo mode, memory timer and manual memory (10C) a little bit :wink:

Thanks once again for the quick help! :+1:

Happy to help, when I can

> I think for the Sofirn SP10 Pro I like the most important default settings… I only change to advanced UI and from stepped ramping to smooth ramping.

great info! really helps to focus on a specific light…

Enjoy your SP10 Pro… Great Light!