Anduril 2 feature change suggestions

Thank you @wolfgirl42!

As @SammysHP said, going directly from the Tactical Group (TG) to Extended Simple UI (ESUI) is not possible.

The confusion came about from trying to figure out why it was that when I was leaving the TG, I would go directly into a turbo mode setting that I couldn’t change. I just assumed I was in ESUI because I was so overwhelmingly tired!

What actually happened is that while moving in & out of the TG to test if I had setup the 3 TG slots the way I wanted, I had unknowingly gone into the Ramp Configuration Menu (RCM) and set the stepped ramp to Momentary Turbo (MT). Again, the result of “pressing the switch too often while tired”!

With a refreshed mind this morning, I figured out my mistake and changed the stepped ramp from MT to my preferred 10 steps. I also took the time to get comfortable with setting up each of the three Tactical slots that require 150+ switch presses.

As I’m sure others have found, the key to accurately ending the long string of switch presses required to set a particular Tactical Mode for each slot, is to develop a “switch press rhythm”.

With practice, I found that long-pressing (=10) x 15, plus an additional 1, 2, 3, etc., to end exactly on 151, 152, 153 etc., is not as difficult as I had first believed. The trick in developing a rhythm to these long strings of switch presses is being focused with no distractions!

*TIP: Because Andúril-2 is complicated enough for “newbies”, don’t try to figure out a setting(s) while you’re so tired, that you can’t focus. Doing so can lead to complicated mistaken settings, followed by overwhelming frustration, and quite possiblly incorrect assumptions. A-2 requires practice in setting up, especially for those without much computer-related experience!

Thought I would link a feature request a slightly different turbo operation style. It’s actually how the OP (and myself) thought Anduril 2’s style worked, basically 2C would go from somelevel → Ceil → Turbo → somelevel, e.g. 3 states. Currently it’s 2 states, either 1) any level (except Ceil) ↔ Ceil OR Ceil (via 1H only) ↔ Turbo.

It’s a simple one variable swap anyone can make, which could be a 3rd style if enough people actually found this useful.

3 Thanks

I really like that, I’ll make a merge request.

Edit: Done.

4 Thanks

Feature request for the new Tactical mode (for dual channel Flood/Throw setup)

  1. Have the option to assign which channel to use for 1H, 2H & 3H.

For flood/throw combo, it can be setup to something like:
1H - throw channel
2H - flood channel
3H - all 4 strobe



Curiously, has this additional “2C to Ceiling/Turbo” feature been incorporated into Andúril-2 yet?

For those of us without a background in open source firmware coding, what’s the process for getting a new feature added? Thank you!


  • (Maybe open an issue and discuss it on GitHub)
  • Program it
  • Open a Pull Request with the changes on GitHub
  • Wait
1 Thank

Thank you. To see if I understand the basics correctly, when a firmware like Andúril has already been built, unless I have the ability to add to or change a current hex file for my needs, or have someone do it for me, then I have to open an account on Github to make an official request, and then wait. Does that about sum it up?

Also, since Andúril-2 has been adapted to so many different flashlights, when a new feature is added or changed, do all the hex files receive the change(s)?

My main feature suggestion would be this:

  1. Have an App with all the Anduril features available
  2. Connect it to your flashlight (probably with USB)
  3. Turn off/on/edit all the features you want
  4. Save
1 Thank

Thank you for this, @wolfgirl42! This is actually great. :slight_smile:

Just in case someone can’t get this to work. You need to enable it via On → 10H → 4th blink → 3C.
So the behavior for 2C from ramp will go to ceiling first, 2C to turbo, 2C back to whatever ramp you were in.


Usually yes. Sometimes older lights with t85 don’t as anduril is pushing the limits of what will fit on one (e.g. most t85 lights with aux don’t get tactical mode), but also if you want a specific feature on a t85 light then it’s possible to remove useless stuff (e.g. SOS mode) to make room.

1 Thank

Hey guys! I really don’t know if this been discussed before or not, but would it be possible to 7H from off to sweep across the entire RGB spectrum to choose a color??

Instead of the usual steps we have now. More like a ramp.

That way we could choose the exact aux color we wanted.

Don’t really know how hard it would be to accomplish that. Know knowing about programming.


No, each color has only two levels (in addition to off). It’s a hardware limitation.

No no. I don’t mean the brightness level of the aux. I mean the color it self. Instead of having a select number of colors to choose, you would sweep across the colors and release the button at your favorite color.

Right now we can choose from 7 different colors I believe.

Imagine if we had infinite colors to choose from. Like the sofirn IF23 RGB


Exactly, the seven colors are generated with three LEDs (red, green and blue). So you have red, yellow (red+green), green, cyan (green+blue), blue, magenta (blue+red) and white (red+green+blue). To get more colors, you have to mix those three base colors in different ratios which requires smooth dimming. But you only have a very low and a very bright level. Thus it is not possible to create more colors with the current hardware.

1 Thank

Hm I see. Thanks!

Could it be faked a bit by adjusting the brightness level of the colors within the current mixes?

Ie, if you get different shades by varying the ratio of light that each aux outputs into the mix?

If currently a 50/50 brightness mix of blue+red gives magenta, varying the brightness ratio of one, say 75/25 could in theory make it pinker(red brighter than blue) or purpler(blue brighter).

Might be a coding nightmare to to make it a smooth sweep, but adding set steps of different brightness level ratios, could end up with half steps between the colors we have.

I guess the big question here is if Anduril sets the brightness of the Aux leds, orif it is hardware controlled?

I had assumed that the aux are simply a different output channel, and could have the level set by the software(?)

Errrg. I think I might see the problem. All the AUX leds are on one channel together, not a channel per red green or blue?

Each aux LED has its own channel, but the hardware does only allow two levels of brightness. Each LED is either off, low or high.

1 Thank

No. The only way would be with software PWM, which would keep the MCU awake so consume too much power (and with the clock speed it runs at, probably still not have enough resolution). It is theoretically possible on avr32dd20 which has more PWM outputs, but would still need a lot of work.

1 Thank

I flashed the latest firmware (2023-12-03) to my TS10 and in the voltage blinker (3C) it’s showing 1/100ths of a volt (eg 3.95)

For me that level of granularity is uneccessary, particularly in simple mode.