Anduril 2 feature change suggestions

In that case, I urge you to try with version 7.3, install it via homebrew as @Chris100575 suggested and let us know the result.
(AVR32 is quite new when compared to the TS10’s attiny1616, and therefore using the latest AVRDUDE is recommended)

Just to check all the boxes, do you have a DMM? Can you measure VDC between the ‘-’ and '+" pogo pins and confirm it’s indeed in the 5V range?

As @SammysHP explained, my flagging of the :i, as well as of the .hex extension, were mere fruits of my ignorance :wink:

Seriously, now I know that using :i and .hex together is exactly right; that’s not how I’ve been doing it (I prefer my binary files to be real binaries), but there’s no problem doing it the way you’ve been doing it either.

1 Thank

I googled install avrdude w homebrew and found this page

I used the command: brew install avrdude

in my iMac Terminal…
it is currently running a bunch of code in the Terminal window (for the last 35 minutes), and is not done yet…

I note that the hombrew page does not list my iMac software, which is Sierra, as one of the supported OS… but I will keep waiting for homebrew to finish doing whatever it is doing

I do not know
thanks to everyone trying to help

update avrdude 7.3 did not install, it left my iMac still using avrdude 7.0

this is the result of trying to run the command line:
Jonathans-iMac:~ jonathan$ avrdude -p avr32dd20 -c serialupdi -P /dev/tty.wchusbserial1430 -U eeprom:r:desktop/D3aaeeprom-backup.hex:i

avrdude: UPDI link initialization failed
avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1
Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
this check.

avrdude: Leaving NVM programming mode

avrdude done. Thank you.

Jonathans-iMac:~ jonathan$

my conclusion is that my iMac on OS Sierra (the latest version my 2015 iMac can be updated to) is not compatible w avrdude 7.3

and it appears my D3AA is not compatible with my pymcuprog…

I dont own an Android phone so cant do that either… seems if I ever want to backup or load a new hex to my D3AA I will first need to buy a newer computer, and or some other hardware…

oh well… back to our regularly scheduled program… LOL

the good news is my D3AA is still working fine with its stock firmware :beer:

2 Thanks

I went to use my TS11 as a location beacon and discovered the beacon strobe time can not be set to a greater time than one minute. I point light at hill side that I park by as a fail safe way to find vehicle, it also works as a distance gauge.

I have done this with LT1, it works but the beam of TS11 would be better. I want the long timer interval as you never really know who else is around and the longer the interval of strobe the less attention it will draw.

Just checked Wurkkos HD10 and it has a similar limit.

What is the possibility of getting a much larger time limit on beacon, Maybe 10 minutes?

I’d like to see a new model firmware created for a D4SV2 single channel light with RGB switch using a FFL351A 12A linear no FET driver. Currently, this light ships using model 0135 dual channel firmware, and as a result, is not capable of having Police strobe with the Red / Blue Aux lights.

I don’t know what role this driver plays wrt other drivers available with this light, nor its impact on the firmware.

How would I go about requesting this as a standard model firmware going forward?

Cant you just disable other channels and leave only 1? I would try to flash KR4 firmware on it like its done for D4 since CC driver came out for it. I dont even remember when i had single channel D4S, like 2 years ago.

Already did that. Making that change allows 3C to switch between smooth vs stepped ramp rather than having to use 6C, but does nothing for Police strobe with R/B Aux lights.

Talked to Jackson Lee about using a different firmware, but that will negate the warranty. The reason given was due to the max current rating of the FFL351A emitters.

Its really strange why he doesnt put this anduril/hw/hank/emisar-2ch/fet/joined at trunk · ToyKeeper/anduril · GitHub … its specifically made for this light, CH1 is Linear only, while CH2 Linear + DD FET. I also dont know why emisar-2ch doesnt have police strobe :thinking: This version has it working :+1:

I was told the reason is related to using an RGB switch. It is not an issue with the Police strobe when using a single color switch.

I have D3AA with RGB switch and police strobe works fine :man_shrugging:

Your D3AA is not a D4SV2 and is not using the same firmware.

I just flashed that firmware on my dual-channel D4S and police strobe works as i thought, same as only CH1 :slight_smile: with RGB button as well.

1 Thank

Use the 137 firmware. It works correctly with my W2 D4SV2 light with RGB switch. Police strobe also works.

Looking into the Anduril configuration, we see that police mode strobe is configured differently in the 0135 and 0137 builds.

In anduril.h for the 0135 build, we have:


which means that the police strobe is using the two different main emitter channels in the dual-channel light. Why police strobe would be set to use the main emitters is beyond my knowledge.

On the other hand, in anduril.h for the 0137 build, we have:


which means that the police strobe is using the red and blue AUX channels.

So the 0137 firmware should indeed give the required police strobe behaviour, if this is suitable for the light - possibly not !!!. The alternative would be a custom build based on 0135 but with


in place of the existing police strobe configuration.

1 Thank

For people who have configured their light with red and blue LEDs as the main emitters.

I see. That would explain it, but isn’t this a niche case?

Seems an odd choice for the default configuration. I’d assume far more people configure a flood/throw or CCT-mixing combo than would choose red and blue main emitters.

I’d like a mall security strobe setting, amber + white :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank You for that detailed explanation, it was very helpful. From what I see in the model description for 0137, it says for 2 CH-FET-Joined. But from a discussion I had with Jackson Lee here, he says that joined firmware can’t be used with the FFL351A setup in his D4SV2.

So how would I go about requesting ToyKeeper to create a standard firmware file based on model 0135 with the change you indicated for the R/B Aux lights?

Again, Thank You for you very helpful response.

I think there are a few options:

  1. Find someone else to build you a custom version with those changes and provide you with a hex file to flash. (E.g., I don’t have time today, but I could do this for you some time in the next week)
  2. Build your own custom version. The way to do this is to fork the Github repository, make changes in your fork and then build your custom hex from your fork.
  3. If you’ve done 2), also propose that your changes go into the main code-base via a Pull Request
  4. Create an “issue” in the Github repository making your request. Hope that TK or somebody else takes it up and makes / proposes the necessary changes.

If you need some tips how to do 4):

Personally, I would go for 2), because then I’m not waiting for somebody to think my suggestion is interesting enough to work on and I don’t need to hope that somebody has enough free time to do this for me. Toykeeper or other contirbutors may have plenty of other things to do first.

1 Thank