Anduril 2 feature change suggestions

Maybe time to go for a dual-channel light with W1 Amber and a white LED? :grin:

Maybe the default Police Strobe with CH1 and CH2 does make sense in more use cases after all. The aux LEDs do not really make for a bright strobe, so this might be why ToyKeeper set the main LEDs as default Police Strobe.

@Gymbow , as I understand it, your case is a special case of a special case. Model number 0135, emisar-2ch/anduril.h sets CH1 and CH2, and so does model number 0136, emisar-2ch/fet/anduril.h; only model number 0137, emisar-2ch/fet/joined/anduril.h sets AUXRED and AUXBLU. And the README for model number 0137 says that “This is an odd hardware configuration used only for special orders, I think”. But in any event, for lights with only 1 set of (main) LEDs, of course CH1 and CH2 does not make any sense for Police Strobe, so the default in this case is AUXRED and AUXBLU.

(The README for model number 0137 also states at the bottom “Channel mode 2 is default, and the only mode enabled after a factory reset. Channel mode 1 is included in case anyone wants to turn off the DD FET.” So one way to go about this in your case might be to enable channel mode 1 only with model number 0137, but I cannot test this, so I would probably advise against this, unless you know exactly what you are doing. Given that your light shipped with model number 0135, there will be a reason why it did, and it is a good idea to stick with this model number.)

By the way, Police Strobe currently is the only strobe / mood mode that does not allow for changing the channel mode:

So, if possible at all, it could also be an idea to for an updated emisar-2ch build to add something like a toggle between the main LEDs CH1 and CH2 (although possibly raising further complications with regard to triple-channel lights) and the aux LEDs AUXRED and AUXBLU for Police Strobe (?). This might also be an alternative to suggest to ToyKeeper over at GitHub. Of course, going that route, you will need to be patient.

3 Thanks

Thanks dognodding for listing those options. I think I’m going to make a request to ToyKeeper as I believe there are more people that could use a dedicated firmware going forward. These new FFL351A emitters are absolutely beautiful. With these in the D4SV2, whether as a single or dual channel light with different tints, I believe many more people will be adopting them going forward. Out of the 30 some odd lights I currently have, this has become my favorite, most useful light.

Dirtydancing, Thank you for your response, much appreciated. Although I may have a limited use case current, I suspect this will change going forward as more people discover how beautiful these new FFL351A emitters are. And what an amazing light they make in the D4SV2.

Regarding using the 0137 firmware, my correspondence with Jackson Lee said that I shouldn’t use that firmware due to the potential to damage the emitters. So my options are to leave it as is, modify the 0135 firmware as noted in above posts or to see if ToyKeeper can create a mainstream version.

Here’s a hex file of the 0135 firmware with the police strobe modified as per above. I don’t have a D4SV2 myself to test it on, but it’s a simple change and should work smoothly.

anduril.hank-emisar-2ch.hex (33.9 KB)

6 Thanks

Thanks for joining the gang, Isilmerie!

Wow, Thank you!!! When I have a chance, I’ll let you know how it worked out.

1 Thank

Thank you for your observations, sounds great! So far, for a beautiful emitter, I keep returning to the 219B sw45k, so I should probably keep an eye on these new ones.

It seems that what you are looking for is a new model number for hank-emisar-2ch-joined. And if this turns out to be a popular request, ToyKeeper might even fast-track this.

1 Thank

I downloaded your modified firmware based on 0135_2024_04_20 and it worked great. I just want to say it’s people like you that make this site & this hobby so great! Thanks for everything. :+1:

3 Thanks

me too!

I tried the FFL351a 3750K, but they were too neutral for me. (the first batch was very pink, but now not pink at all) details in this thread

I tried the FFL350RD 3500K, but they were way too green.

For me, sw45k is the way :wink:

1 Thank

Saw this on GitHub: Request: New Model Number for Single Channel D4SV2 with RGB Switch & FFL351A Emitter/Driver · Issue #84 · ToyKeeper/anduril · GitHub

Sorry for being so inactive recently, combination of activism, work, other IRL stuff, then recently been recovering from COVID :frowning:, but I’ll add this to my todo whenever I get a bit of energy together to do some anduril development.

3 Thanks

Oh it was no problem, I’m glad to hear it worked!

1 Thank

Thank You! And I wish you a speedy recovery.

Very interesting and helpful thread, thanks!

1 Thank

Great to hear this, thank you! And a speedy recovery from my side, too.

If we’re discussing options, is it possible to integrate a path to revert or regress to Anduril V.1 without a firmware “reflash”?

To be totally honest, I have little to no use for V.2 aside from the abilities to lower moonlight modes to sub-lumen levels and adjust ramp speeds. As much as I appreciate the genius and technological advancements TK’s progression of the application have provided to the industry and enthusiast market, it’s wasted on much of what I consider practical use for me. I don’t need multichannel functionality, nor disco-tech RGB aux manipulation, etc. Newer iterations of Anduril firmware enabled lights would be more appealing to me if there was a mechanism to disable or dumb down most of the V.2 functions to the V.1 format. To date, my most utilized and favorite torches are AN-V.1.

V.2’s “Simple Mode” (at least on most Anduril torches in my arsenal) do not allow the base versatility of V.1 that I find most utilitarian. It would be an added bonus for those of us who have neither the equipment, understanding, or knowledge to have a mechanical option to revert Anduril to a V.1 configuration format.

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While it’s unlikely to make the main version due to lack of interest, you can make/request a custom build to match whatever needs you have and flash that.

The source code is pretty well organized. You can go into the anduril ui folder and then look for the mode you want to modify: beacon. Then you can just look at what code iteration code that is being looped over, where you can modify the seconds to have some factor, like 10, 60, square the value, whatever you want.

If someone wants to test it:

2 Thanks

Is this equivalent with respect to the model 0135 driver with just a change to enable Red/Blue Aux lights for Police strobe? If so, I will give it a try.

Equivalent to 0137 with the FET disabled. If you just want the police strobe to use aux on 2ch, I can build that as a custom.

1 Thank

Discussions I had with Jackson Lee here said that I shouldn’t use 0137 because it would risk overdriving the emitters. I can’t say that I fully comprehended everything he said, so maybe you can better understand it and determine which model (0135 or 0137) is best to use as the basis for modification.

I’ll wait to hear back from you before deciding if I should test out the modded firmware above. And Thank all for your support!