Anduril 2 Question - From ON to TURBO, no direct way?

I have several lights with 10/31/23 or 12/03/23 version firmware, and have a question. I know that I can 2C from OFF followed by 2C again to go from OFF > Ceiling > Turbo. But I don’t see how to get to Turbo from ON, excluding momentary mode. What am I missing? Or is this some kind of safety feature done intentionally?

Set ceiling to 100%?

Truth be told, the difference between ceiling and turbo in most lights is a miniscule visual jump, so I never got arsed to try setting “high” to 100%.

Most lights’ “turbo” setting is more of an “But ours go up to 11…” setting. Wish they’d just regulate it and make it lower but sustainable. But… that’s just me.

But yeah, I think setting ceiling to 100% is the way. Do the clicky stuff to get there, click once (for level = N-1), finish.

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Sounds like you want Turbo Style 1 instead of Style 2:

1: Anduril 1 style. Ramp -> 2C goes to full power.
2: Anduril 2 style. Ramp -> 2C goes to ceiling, or goes to full power if user ramped up to ceiling first. This value also affects momentary turbo in Ramp and Off modes.

There’s also a pull request which is like Style 2 but allows you to 2C cycle through 3 states, AnyLevel → Ceiling → Turbo

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Ya, wish the new batch of Fireflies like E07X Canon went from 6A buck + FET to 8A+ buck fully regulated.

I dont think thats currently possible to do in a light with only 1 cell. What buck converter can do that?

Convoy S21D is 8A buck.

And here’s it’s regulation (first 10min, zoomed in)

Not fully regulated. Can only hold near 8A for the first 30 seconds with a full battery

Thanks for your reply. I set the ceiling to 120/150 so that I get more run time before it ramps down due to heat.

Thanks for that reply and the link to the pull request. I’ll look into it.

Off → 2H or On → 3H/4H (depending if single or multi channel) → momentary Turbo

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I haven’t checked the version yet, but my Wurkkos TS30S, which is supposed to be Anduril 2, goes from (when ON) anywhere in the ramp straight to Turbo when I do 2C. So ON → “somewhere in ramp” > 2C > Turbo > 2C > back to previous (low) level.
The ceiling in ramp (which is still factory setting, didn’t change that) is certainly not at 150/100%, since there is still a noticable step up when going from max. ceiling to Turbo.

Only when I do 2C from OFF, it first brings me to max ceiling/ramp and than 2C to Turbo.

So I guess Wurkkos shipped it with the Anduril 1 Style Ramp > Turbo mode enabled I guess?

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With enough LEDs in parallel the Vf is low enough to essentially have full regulation.

With a single LED and cell then I agree it’s not fully regulated.

Maybe the S21D (4 emitters) was a poor example, something closer to E07X (7 emitters) would be DT8K w/24W boost driver which is driving each emitter at 1A (max).

Thanks for that. I was aware of the momentary modes, but what I was originally looking for was how to go to turbo (non-momentary) from any ON state other than ceiling. Hope that made sense.

that was answered in post #3

Yes, thank you

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It looks like you are right, the current overall default is turbo style 2:

But, this default is changed to turbo style 1 for all Wurkkos, all Hank, and some other individual lights, here’s the Wurkkos config for example:

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I finally had some time to look at your pull request for a 3rd turbo mode and that is exactly what I was looking for. Brilliant! I sure hope it makes it into the next Anduril release.

Glad to hear it, I hope so too. Make sure to thank @wolfgirl42 for doing the work,

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Has anybody made one of these? Something 1S that can do 8A out, more or less fully regulated? I’d want to see that build if anyone’s done it. Curious about a couple things.