Anduril ... 2?

Yes, I released new builds for every supported model. I finally finished the multi-channel branch, with every build target converted to the new APIs… so that meant it’s time for a batch of .hex files and now I can merge it into its parent branch.

The next priorities are:

  • AVR DD support
  • Github
  • Major re-org of all the project files

I got an AVR DD dev kit yesterday and hope to get that working pretty soon… which is a prerequisite for the next generation of Anduril lights. It’s the direct successor to attiny1616, with upgrades to almost every MCU feature… and plenty of space for years of development and new features.

Also, the project is long overdue for a move to Github. Bzr and Launchpad have both been neglected for a long time, and Git + Github are much more convenient for almost everyone who wants to contribute. So I expect to move to a new platform ASAP.

As part of the Github move, I also plan to split FSM+Anduril into their own project which is separate from the larger flashlight-firmware repository. It needs a bunch of changes to give it a saner project structure, and to make it compatible with Github-isms… and while I’m doing that, I also plan to totally restructure how the files are organized.

The plan is to model it loosely on how QMK is organized, because QMK is a similar project but much more mature and robust. Anduril supports half a dozen manufacturers and like a hundred different hardware models… while QMK has ~895 manufacturers, ~2422 hardware models, ~7226 keymaps, and a powerful system for user-specific configurations. This type of organization would make it way easier for people to create and maintain their own custom versions, and many of those could ideally also be included in the main repository.

And, of course, keep adding support for new lights as they come out. There are a few exciting ones in progress.

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