Anduril ... 2?

Awesome input everyone, thanks again!

If I had just “RTFM” I would have quickly realized it was v2 since it explains Simple UI, etc.

Edit: Getting two errors when trying to build (big surprise! - I’m in way over my head here haha)

First is “config-default.h: no such file or directory”
Then “recipe for target ‘main.o’ failed”

First thing I noticed was that in the atmel tutorial here the OP mentions that pasting in the Anduril.c code should rename main.c to that… that never occurred for me.

I did a quick search and there was some mention of user/file path names having spaces or weird characters causing issues. Even starting and saving with the project at the top directory of my D: drive didn’t eliminate either error though.

Second error has a log file but it seems there isn’t a compact code posting option on this forum and I don’t want to spam the whole page.

Using Atmel on W10 BTW