Anduril ... 2?

You are right - no more single click to turn OFF from turbo, because 2C from OFF doesn't go to turbo, it goes to top of ramp (i.e. ceiling), unlike most non-Anduril lights.

I'm using USE_2C_MAX_TURBO for all my Anduril 2 builds, so this behaves differently. I think though if we use this 1C new feature, the rule should be:

  • if you got there by 2C, then 1C returns you back to where you came from

So if the light is OFF and you do a 2C (to ceiling), a 1C will turn the light OFF (as it does now).

Horrid isn’t it. The final incarnation of Anduril V1 was close to genius. Kudos to ASTROLUX for sticking with it for the FT02S.

1 click from Turbo doesn’t turn the light off? How repulsive.

My Emisar go from Turbo with 1C to off.

How can I download the file?
Is it workable for the Emisar D4V2?

Ooops, totally missed you made the change - will check it out. Thanks!

Update: In looking at it, how does ramping up to ceiling work? It seems like 1C at ceiling will restore the previous level - is that how you want it to behave?

The AMUTORCH is 1 click to previous from Turbo and I hate it, you should always be able to quickly turn a light off. It’s not tactical either. A kid gets hold of it and puts it into turbo, they are gonna press it and end back up at max ramp, they’ll throw it away in panic as it gets hot and it could start a fire. What’s the point in making Anduril super vanilla then adding this dangerous and confusing feature. Jesus from new, tap 10 times then hold, tap 3 times for ramping, hold to ramp up, double tap to max ramp, double tap to turbo, single tap to previous then tap for off, what a friggin journey that was

Name the two levels Easy Mode and Pro Mode, for the no-nonsense Pro Mode it ramps to turbo by default, double click to turbo from off or on. Be brave and change the option to raise max ramp to Turbo to from Turbo.
Give the purists their 15 lumen high cri Easy Mode and us Bridgtec types instant 15,000 lumen dick waving Pro mode. Maybe do 8 clicks to change Turbo to 1 click return for those who want to be subjected to it.

Such a light is not for a kid and must be out of reach.

Amen to a simple UI . Three clicks will display the UI map like the Bat-Signal on any surface.

Any changes I make will be compile switches, so I can turn ON/OFF as I please, for my use and those that request it.

My idea of implementing this is a little different. Either way, thermal regulation is still in place, no different from Anduril 1.

Thanks for all your hard work! I’m excited to try this on my Emisar K9.3’s that are on the way

Please at least read the whole page so you have context. This is a customized build that Tom E created for their personal use and for anyone else that wants to flash it to their lights.

Changing ceiling to step 150 literally takes 8 button presses and 3 seconds, making that default for lights with a max high regulated level (KR4 for example) makes little sense.

Yes, the idea is that 2C always goes brighter. Either to ceiling or - if already at ceiling - to turbo. Subsequent 2C will behave the same. If the output is between ceiling and turbo because of thermal throttling it will jump to turbo, or to ceiling if it is below ceiling.

1C returns to the memorized level or turns the light off if it is already at or below the memorized level (thermal regulation always stays below the memorized level in normal operation). This means if you turn on the light somewhere in the middle and press 2C, a 1C will go back to the previous level. Same again, but a second 2C will go into turbo. 1C returns to the memorized “somewhere in the middle” level.
If you want to turn off the light from turbo you have to do 1C twice, with a short pause between the presses of course. Additionally, if you do 2C from of to jump directly to ceiling/turbo, 1C goes back to the memorized level as well.

I see two ways to optimize this:

1. Add an additional flag whether a “special” level was active. Would introduce more complexity, but still slightly inconsistent behavior.
2. Keep 1C for off and use the new behavior of 2C (always increase brightness). But then there’s no way to jump back without turning off the light for a short time. Also the reason for the change was to have 1C to go back to the previous level.

edit: More specific answer to your question. Currently if you use 2C from on to jump to ceiling, 2C returns to the previous level. With my change 1C will return to the previous level, 2C to turbo. If you ramp up to ceiling via 1H, 1C will turn off the light because memorized_level == actual_level (ceiling in this case)

Has a UI diagram been published yet??/

I don't see one. TK has been unavailable - not sure if anyone else is capable? I forgot what SW diagram tool she uses, but I've never used it and not familiar/comfortable with another that can do this.

Actually, I have sent TK a first draft of the "upper half" for the complete AndĂșril V2 UI diagram via PM, mainly with the purpose to assist (if any help is wanted) or to collect ideas/inspirations to get all this information concentrated onto one page. Not an easy task, indeed. :-)) I feel reluctant to post any picture of it publicly as I do not intend to step on any toes or interfere in TK's great work. However, should I get her approval to do so, I will post my ideas (made with Microsoft Powerpoint O:) ).

I also plan to create a fully detailed manual based upon her text file. I hope there will not be any major changes in functionalities. I am still wondering how CH1 + CH2 on the K9.3 will work with Tint Ramping. I would expect these two channels work independently, separately but not in parallel. This would however need a different name than "Tint Ramping" where light from both channels mix into each other.

I find that 2C to ceiling an another 2C to turbo is not so good because I do not know if I go to turbo with 2C or to ceiling when I am nearly at ceiling.

I'm pretty sure she would appreciate the help - she's been out of commission for a while. I don't believe you would be stepping on toes. It would help to get one out to critique, and would probably help many right away, now that it's out on manufactured lights.

Thanks for your kind words, Tom E. I think I wait a bit more for her to reply to my PM. In the meantime I will keep on working on the UI diagram to not lose any time. The trickiest part will be the challenge to get everything important squeezed onto a single page without getting too much confused..haha. I also think about doing multiple versions, without tint ramping and auxiliary color selection or one for the next batch of LT1, hopefully offered with AndĂșril 2.0. :-)

Yeah, base Anduril or 2 are complicated for a single diagram.

What SW tool are you using for the diagrams?

Powerpoint, actually. It’s not really sophisticated for making UIs but the job can be done with it. I used to have a Visio license somewhere buried in my software archive. I am afraid it will take longer to find it than to finish the UI in Powerpoint. :-P