Anduril ... 2?

Censorship ? OK. See you on other side then.

Iā€™ll give you a million dollars to restore only @ToyKeeperā€™s line and just leave it up with no context :rofl:

Cuz that was amazing

4 Thanks

Youā€™re never to oldā€¦

for that to be hilarious!

3 Thanks

I guess it works as designed. If you havenā€™t enabled config colors, it will use the active channel. Think about a target with just warm and cool channels. Which one should be used by default? Simply use the active channel.

Hi @ToyKeeper

Could I please copy the UI Reference Table from, format it into markdown, reference, and use it in the User interface section of my upcoming review of the Sofirn Q8 Plus on my blog?

Only a million? Why not a billion? :wink:

I may have got this wrong (will know soon when @Light_Veteran reports on my latest fw3x-lume1 build), but the problem @wolfgirl42 referred to is 3C not switching channels during batcheck; please see here: Anduril 2 feature change suggestions - #552 by Light_Veteran and following comments.

The way I understood it: 3C in battcheck does nothing. This is expected because only the regular white channel is enabled. Thus 3C cannot advance to the aux channel. With DEFAULT_BLINK_CHANNEL you can switch through all channels, even when they are disabled.

1 Thank

IIRC that is using FW3A 219C firmware, though I havenā€™t been able to check for sure because thereā€™s been 2 driver versions.

Mine is the newer version with the QFN T85 and weirdly arranged flashing pads on the driver, it came with 2020-09-26-0312 but I havenā€™t gotten around to building a flashing jig for it.

I have those lights, I can work on that next.

3 Thanks

Seems unintentional to me, since with the hex TK posted, there is no way to set only the blinkies to use the channel (i.e. without switching active channel, and 3C in battcheck mode always changes the active channel which doesnā€™t happen on any other stock build). Essentially, without the changes I mentioned, it always forces blinkies to only ever use the active channel.

Of course, DEFAULT_BLINK_CHANNEL was missing. But the behavior without that option seems to be correct.

1 Thank

Yes, that is intentional. If the option isnā€™t defined, it removes the feature entirely. This is mostly to free up space the attiny85 doesnā€™t have, and avoid taking extra space on lights which lack the hardware for that feature.

I just forgot to enable it on the FW3X.

The different blink channels work now, thanks to the fix by @wolfgirl42 :+1:
(no change to the not correctly working temperature regulation with this build).

Iā€™ve noticed that by default the turbo style is set to no turbo. When using turbo (after enabling turbo in the ramp config menu) the light immediately (within less than 7 seconds, often less than 5) steps down to the 3A regulated max, but then doesnā€™t step down further and as a result gets too hot (I donā€™t remember exactly, but I think the turbo with loneoceans old firmware lasted around 30 seconds).

What I gather from the driver datasheet (pdf available from loneoceans github) is that the fet turbo bypasses the buck-bosst portion of the driver entirely (so itā€™s either one or the other) and there is always a jump in brightness when going from the regulated 3A max to fet turbo (or the other way around), because the fet turbo (Iā€™m fairly sure) canā€™t be dimmed (via PWM for example).

Could be that loneoceans did some sort of firmware trickery to disable the predictive part of the temperature regulation while the light is in the fet turbo (to enable longer turbo runtimes) and only step down (or rather switch to) the regulated part of the driver once the temperature limit has been reached (or is very close to being reached).

@ToyKeeper Fixed it.

MAX_7135 was 149 - just needs MIN_THERM_STEPDOWN at something reasonable (I used 65 to match other lights).

Hex: 31.3 KB file on MEGA

Sorry, Iā€™ve lost track hereā€¦

Which models is this one good for?



2 Thanks

Gotcha. Thank you!

I saw Lume1 and wasnā€™t sure how brand/model specific it might be, but I donā€™t have any of the F3-series stuffā€¦

Something like that?

True but is 21,7mm driver, so is not only for FW3